PHP Library to manage time
- With composer run
composer require weblabormx/easy-time
First to use the package you will need to add the namespace:
use WeblaborMX\EasyTime\EasyTime;
To create an object you have the next options.
$time = EasyTime::createFromSeconds(20465);
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('10:30:00'); // HH:ii:ss
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('32:10'); // ii:ss
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('2:10:30:00'); // With days
$time = EasyTime::create(0, 10, 30, 00); // Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
// Parse = createFromFormat
$time = EasyTime::parse('10:30:00'); // HH:ii:ss
$time = EasyTime::parse('32:10'); // ii:ss
$time = EasyTime::parse('2:10:30:00'); // With days
You can get the exact second, minute, hour or day, or if you prefer you can convert all data just for one and get for example, the total minutes only.
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('2:10:30:00');
$time->second; // 0
$time->getSeconds(); // 210600 (Total seconds in all that time)
$time->minute; // 30
$time->getMinutes(); // 3510 (Total minutes in all that time)
$time->hour; // 10
$time->getHours(); // 58.5 (Total hours in all that time)
$time->day; // 2
$time->getDays(); // 2.42 (Total days in all that time)
$time->format(); // '58:30:00'
$time->format('full'); // '2:10:30:00'
$time->format('short'); // '30:00'
There are two options to do it
// First way
$sum = EasyTime::sum('00:30:30', '01:03:05'); // 01:33:35
// Second Way
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('00:30:30');
$time2 = EasyTime::createFromFormat('01:03:05');
$time = $time->addTime($time2); // 01:33:35
There are two options to do it
// First way
$sum = EasyTime::rest('02:30:30', '01:03:05'); // 01:27:25
// Second Way
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('02:30:30');
$time2 = EasyTime::createFromFormat('01:03:05');
$time = $time->subTime($time2); // 01:27:25
If you want to add or substract any time you can do it.
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('00:30:30');
$time = $time->addSeconds(5); // 0:00:30:35
$time = $time->addSecond(); // 0:00:30:36
$time = $time->addMinutes(6); // 0:00:36:36
$time = $time->addMinute(); // 0:00:37:36
$time = $time->addHours(2); // 0:02:37:36
$time = $time->addHour(); // 0:03:37:36
$time = $time->addDays(2); // 2:03:37:36
$time = $time->addDay(); // 3:03:37:36
$time = $time->subDays(2); // 1:03:37:36
$time = $time->subDay(); // 0:03:37:36
$time = $time->subHours(2); // 0:01:37:36
$time = $time->subHour(); // 0:00:37:36
$time = $time->subMinutes(6); // 0:00:31:36
$time = $time->subMinute(); // 0:00:30:36
$time = $time->subSeconds(5); // 0:00:30:31
$time = $time->subSecond(); // 0:00:30:30
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('00:30:31');
$time = $time->multiply(2); // 01:01:02
$time = $time->divide(2); // 00:30:31
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('00:30:31');
$time = $time->multiply(10.5); // 05:20:26
$time = $time->divide(2); // 02:40:13
Get the human readable of a time
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('2:10:30:00');
$time->diffForHumans(); // 2 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('00:30:02');
$time->diffForHumans(); // 30 minutes
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('02:10:32');
$time->diffForHumans(); // 2 hours, 10 minutes
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('01:01:32');
$time->diffForHumans(); // 1 hour, 1 minute
If you want the text in any other language you can specify it. Now its available only English (en) and Spanish (es).
$time = EasyTime::createFromFormat('2:10:30:00');
$time->diffForHumans('en'); // 2 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes
$time->diffForHumans('es'); // 2 días, 10 horas, 30 minutos
If you want to have it available in your language please email me to with translations with the next format.
'es' => [
'days' => 'días',
'day' => 'día',
'minutes' => 'minutos',
'minute' => 'minuto',
'hours' => 'horas',
'hour' => 'hora',