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Releases: webmd-health-services/ProGetAutomation


19 Sep 16:55
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  • Fixed: some of ProGet's API endpoints don't recognize the HTTP Authorization header.


29 Feb 23:11
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Upgrade Instructions

  • The return value from Get-ProGetAssetContent is no longer an HTTP response object. Instead, the response content is
    returned. Updated usages to handle the new return value. What gets returned depends on the content type of the uploaded
    asset. Any file uploaded by a previous version of ProGetAutomation will come back as an array of bytes. Strings will
    be returned as strings.
  • The Set-ProGetAsset function no longer sets the content type of assets to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
    Instead, when uploading files using the FilePath parameter, the content type is set to application/octet-stream.
    When uploading from a string using the Content parameter, the content type is set to text/plain; charset=utf-8. If
    you want to customize the content type, use the new ContentType parameter.
  • Remove usages of -ContentType Form on calls to Invoke-ProGetRestMethod. This is now the default behavior.
  • Replaces usages of -ContentType Json on calls to Invoke-ProGetRestMethod with -AsJson.

Breaking Changes

  • Get-ProGetAssetContent now returns the actual content instead of an HTTP response object.


  • Set-ProGetAsset no longer sets the content type of assets to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • Set-ProGetAsset sets the content type of uploaded files to application/octet-stream.
  • Set-ProGetAsset sets the content type of uploaded strings to text/plain; charset=utf-8.


  • The ContentType parameter on Invoke-ProGetRestMethod. Use the new AsJson switch instead for usages of
    -ContentType Json and remove usages of -ContentType Form entirely.


12 Apr 02:59
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Upgrade Instructions

Updated Get-ProGetFeed, New-ProGetFeed, Test-ProGetFeed, and Remove-ProGetFeed functions to use ProGet's
Feed Management API instead of the native API.
Ensure that API keys/credentials used with those functions have appropriate access to manage feeds.

Update usages of objects returned by Get-ProGetFeed and New-ProGetFeed. Rename these properties:

  • Active_Indicatoractive
  • AllowUnknownLicenses_IndicatorallowUnknownLicenses
  • Feed_Descriptiondescription
  • Feed_Namename
  • FeedType_NamefeedType

Remove these properties:

  • AllowUnassessedVulnerabilities_Indicator
  • Cache_Connectors_Indicator
  • DropPath_Text
  • Feed_Id
  • FeedConfiguration_Xml
  • FeedGroup_Id
  • FeedPathOverride_Text
  • FeedState_Number
  • LastPackageUpdate_Date
  • LastSync_Date
  • PackageStoreConfiguration_Xml
  • ReplicationConfiguration_Xml

Replace usages of the ID parameter on the Get-ProGetFeed and Remove-ProGetFeed functions to use Name instead.
The ID parameter was removed from those functions.

Remove usages of the Type parameter on the Test-ProGetFeed function. A feed's type is no longer needed to determine
if a feed exists. All feed names, regardless of type, must now be unique.

Make sure Delete HTTP verbs are allowed to your instance of ProGet. The Remove-ProGetFeed function now uses that
verb when deleting a feed.

Add -ErrorAction Ignore to usages of Get-ProGetFeed. That function now writes an error if a feed does not exist.

Add -Method Post to usages of Invoke-ProGetRestMethod that don't have a -Method argument. The default value
changed to Get from Post.


  • The Publish-ProGetUniversalPackage function can now authenticate using a ProGet API key.


  • The Get-ProGetFeed and New-ProGetFeed functions now use the Feed Management API. The objects returned have
    different properties. Update usages.
  • The Invoke-ProGetRestMethod and Invoke-ProGetNativeApiMethod now uses [Uri]::EscapeDataString([String]) to URL
    encode query string values (instead of [Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode([String])).
  • The Remove-ProGetFeed and Test-ProGetFeed functions now use the Feed Management API instead of the native API.
  • The Remove-ProGetFeed function now uses the HTTP Delete verb (instead of the Post verb) when making the HTTP
    request to delete a feed.
  • The Get-ProGetFeed function now writes an error if a feed does not exist.
  • The default value of the Invoke-ProGetRestMethod function's Method parameter changed to Get from Post.



  • Removed charset directive from the Content-Type header value sent to ProGet because ProGet can't handle that
  • The New-ProGetFeed function no longer checks if the session has an API key.
  • The Test-ProGetFeed function no longer checks if the session has an API key.


  • ID on the Get-ProGetFeed and Remove-ProGetFeed functions. The Feed Management API doesn't supports feed IDs.
    Pass the feed name to the Name parameter instead.
  • Type on function Test-ProGetFeed. All feeds, regardless of type, must now have a unique name.


31 Mar 23:36
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  • Parameter Url to function New-ProGetSession. This replaces the Uri parameter. We'll always use a URL to connect
    to ProGet, since it's HTTP-based software.
  • Property Url on the ProGet session object. This replaces the Uri property.
  • Parameter MaxRequestSize to function Set-ProGetAsset. The Set-ProGetAsset function now uploads files in parts
    to avoid surpassing web server max request content length restrictions. Set this parameter to a value lower than your
    web server's maximum request content length. The default value is 30MB/28.6MiB (the IIS web server's default max
    request content length).


  • Set-ProGetAsset function now uploads files of any size.


  • The New-ProGetSession function's Uri parameter. Use the new Url parameter instead.
  • The Uri property on the ProGet session object. Us


29 Jun 20:02
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  • Upgraded to support ProGet 5.3.32.


03 Sep 20:28
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  • Update vendored Zip module dependency to version 0.3.2 (from 0.3.1).


18 Aug 18:54
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  • Update vendored Zip module dependency to version 0.3.1 (from 0.3.0).
  • Fixed: ProGet universal packages created by ProGetAutomation are not extractable on non-Windows platforms due to using "" as the directory separator character.


12 Feb 23:54
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  • Improved import speed by merging functions into the module's .psm1 file.


25 Jan 20:17
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  • Added -Quiet switch to Add-ProGetUniversalPackageFile to suppress progress messages while adding files to the package.
  • Fixed: Add-ProGetUniversalPackageFile fails when passed multiple paths directly, in a non-pipeline manner.


27 Dec 21:27
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  • Add-ProGetUniversalPackageFile is now an order of magnitude faster, thanks to performance improvements to the underlying Zip module used to add files to a universal package.
  • Add-ProGetUniversalPackageFile now preserves file last write/modified date/times.
  • Fixed: Add-ProGetUniversalPackageFile function behaves improperly when part of a pipeline, causing a major performance problem.
  • Fix issue #7: the Test-ProGetFeed function ignores the feed's type, i.e. it always returns true if there is any feed with a given name, regardless of its type.
  • Renamed the New-ProGetFeed and Test-ProGetFeed function's FeedName and FeedType parameters to Name and Type.