Flash cards are a common way to memorize subject material.
- Grails - http://grails.org/
- Spring Security
- Spring Mobile
- Bootstrap from Twitter - http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
Mobile app:
- Mobile Boilerplate - http://html5boilerplate.com/mobile/
- Backbone.js - http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/
- jQuery Mobile - http://jquerymobile.com/
, see http://grails.org/Installation
- You can use
SpringSource Tool Suite
plugin - http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:kgrodzicki/flashcards-grails.git
Navigate to project directory:
cd flashcards-grails
Run jetty server:
grails runApp
Application is now up and running - http://localhost:8080/flashcards-grails (admin/admin)
Check out running application on cloud foundry(http://www.cloudfoundry.com/) - http://bit.ly/fcards