Releases: weenect/mock-amqp-server
Fixes error when publishing text messages
Fixes error that modify messages when retrieving
0.5.1 Fixes error that modify messages when retrieving
Add byte-array message compliance
fixes #5 - cant push byte objects to mock-amqp-server. Binary messages are base64 encoded with a base64: true
property in GET messages APIs
Add basic nack support
fixes #6 - add basic nack support - two new APIs are now available : /messages-not-acknowledged/$DELIVERY_TAG
and /messages-requeued/$DELIVERY_TAG
Can create queue and push message in it
add two new API to create a queue and publish a message in it. This should be useful for integration tests without needing to create exchange and bind queue for your broker.
fix 'socket.send() raised exception' message:
fix 'socket.send() raised exception' message:
it was happening because when publishing a message we iterate
over the list of consumers that the server 'knows' is connected
to a queue, however we were not cleaning consumer that had disconnected
so that we were still trying to write on the socket, hence the warning
now we first check if the consumer's socket is still open before sending
and we clean the closed connection at the end of publishing message
Fixes several issues + add get messages by exchange
0.2.0 Fixes several issues + add get messages by exchange