- install node.js (http://nodejs.org/download/)
- install karma (http://karma-runner.github.com)
- in your apps package.json add karma and the following dependency: "karma-remote-reporter" : ">=0.1.x"
This application is about creating a javascript-based artefact that is able to send test results to a configured server via websocket. Tests are executed in a karma environment.
This software is intended to become a Karma plugin which enables test reporting via websockets to a remote server. Report results in junit style via websockets to a configurable remote server...
To work at the plugin we need to build a test environment. It has three components:
- install ws for nodejs: npm install ws
- the karma-remote-report plugin
- test environment to execute karma with this plugin
- a nodejs test instance to receive test messages
Unfortunately it's not possible to keep development stuff in the same directory. So there is a script to build a development environment.
Simply go to the home directory of this project and do
. scripts/development.sh
After finished this script, see output. It has the follow-up commands to start node testserver and to start karma.