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Merge pull request #1187 from brighthe/master
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add device in hexahedrom_mesh and uniform_mesh_2d
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weihuayi authored Oct 10, 2024
2 parents 62ee7f4 + 86b723c commit 3eae4fa
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Showing 4 changed files with 230 additions and 28 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ def dirichlet(self, points: TensorLike) -> TensorLike:
args = parser.parse_args()

test = bm.array([1, 2, 3])
a = bm.get_device(test)
b = bm.get_device(test)
nx, ny, nz = args.nx, args.ny,
mesh = HexahedronMesh.from_box(box=pde.domain(), nx=nx, ny=ny, nz=nz)

Expand All @@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ def dirichlet(self, points: TensorLike) -> TensorLike:

maxit = 4
errorMatrix = bm.zeros((1, maxit), dtype=bm.float64)
errorMatrix = bm.zeros((3, maxit), dtype=bm.float64)
errorType = ['$|| u - u_h ||_{L2}$', '$|| u - u_h||_{l2}$', 'boundary']
NDof = bm.zeros(maxit, dtype=bm.int32)
for i in range(maxit):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,15 +194,13 @@ def dirichlet(self, points: TensorLike) -> TensorLike:

u_exact = tensor_space.interpolate(pde.solution)
# errorMatrix[0, i] = bm.sqrt(bm.sum(bm.abs(uh - u_exact)**2 * (1 / NDof[i])))
errorMatrix[0, i] = bm.sqrt(bm.sum(bm.abs(uh - u_exact)**2 * (1 / NDof[i])))
errorMatrix[0, i] = mesh.error(u=uh, v=pde.solution, q=tensor_space.p+3, power=2)
# errorMatrix[2, i] = bm.sqrt(bm.sum(bm.abs(uh[isDDof] - u_exact[isDDof])**2 * (1 / NDof[i])))

# print("errorMatrix:", errorMatrix)
errorMatrix[2, i] = bm.sqrt(bm.sum(bm.abs(uh[isDDof] - u_exact[isDDof])**2 * (1 / NDof[i])))

if i < maxit-1:

print("errorMatrix:\n", errorMatrix)
# print("order_l2:\n", bm.log2(errorMatrix[0, :-1] / errorMatrix[0, 1:]))
print("order_L2:\n ", bm.log2(errorMatrix[0, :-1] / errorMatrix[0, 1:]))
print("order_l2:\n", bm.log2(errorMatrix[0, :-1] / errorMatrix[0, 1:]))
print("order_L2:\n ", bm.log2(errorMatrix[1, :-1] / errorMatrix[1, 1:]))
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions app/soptx/linear_elasticity/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
from fealpy.experimental.backend import backend_manager as bm

from fealpy.experimental.typing import TensorLike

from fealpy.experimental.decorator import cartesian

from fealpy.experimental.mesh import HexahedronMesh

from fealpy.experimental.functionspace import LagrangeFESpace, TensorFunctionSpace

from fealpy.experimental.material.elastic_material import LinearElasticMaterial

from fealpy.experimental.fem.linear_elastic_integrator import LinearElasticIntegrator
from fealpy.experimental.fem.vector_source_integrator import VectorSourceIntegrator
from fealpy.experimental.fem.bilinear_form import BilinearForm
from fealpy.experimental.fem.linear_form import LinearForm

from fealpy.experimental.decorator import cartesian

from fealpy.experimental.sparse import COOTensor

from fealpy.experimental.solver import cg

from app.soptx.soptx.utilfs.timer import timer

import argparse

class BoxDomainPolyUnloaded3d():
def __init__(self):

def domain(self):
return [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]

def solution(self, points: TensorLike):
x = points[..., 0]
y = points[..., 1]
z = points[..., 2]
val = bm.zeros(points.shape, dtype=points.dtype)
val[..., 0] = 2*x**3 - 3*x*y**2 - 3*x*z**2
val[..., 1] = 2*y**3 - 3*y*x**2 - 3*y*z**2
val[..., 2] = 2*z**3 - 3*z*y**2 - 3*z*x**2

return val

def source(self, points: TensorLike):
val = bm.zeros(points.shape, dtype=points.dtype)

return val

def dirichlet(self, points: TensorLike) -> TensorLike:

return self.solution(points)

class BoxDomainPolyLoaded3d():
def domain(self):
return [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]

def source(self, points: TensorLike):
x = points[..., 0]
y = points[..., 1]
z = points[..., 2]
val = bm.zeros(points.shape, dtype=bm.float64)
mu = 1
factor1 = -400 * mu * (2 * y - 1) * (2 * z - 1)
term1 = 3 * (x ** 2 - x) ** 2 * (y ** 2 - y + z ** 2 - z)
term2 = (1 - 6 * x + 6 * x ** 2) * (y ** 2 - y) * (z ** 2 - z)
val[..., 0] = factor1 * (term1 + term2)

factor2 = 200 * mu * (2 * x - 1) * (2 * z - 1)
term1 = 3 * (y ** 2 - y) ** 2 * (x ** 2 - x + z ** 2 - z)
term2 = (1 - 6 * y + 6 * y ** 2) * (x ** 2 - x) * (z ** 2 - z)
val[..., 1] = factor2 * (term1 + term2)

factor3 = 200 * mu * (2 * x - 1) * (2 * y - 1)
term1 = 3 * (z ** 2 - z) ** 2 * (x ** 2 - x + y ** 2 - y)
term2 = (1 - 6 * z + 6 * z ** 2) * (x ** 2 - x) * (y ** 2 - y)
val[..., 2] = factor3 * (term1 + term2)

return val

def solution(self, points: TensorLike):
x = points[..., 0]
y = points[..., 1]
z = points[..., 2]
val = bm.zeros(points.shape, dtype=bm.float64)

mu = 1
val[..., 0] = 200*mu*(x-x**2)**2 * (2*y**3-3*y**2+y) * (2*z**3-3*z**2+z)
val[..., 1] = -100*mu*(y-y**2)**2 * (2*x**3-3*x**2+x) * (2*z**3-3*z**2+z)
val[..., 2] = -100*mu*(z-z**2)**2 * (2*y**3-3*y**2+y) * (2*x**3-3*x**2+x)

return val

def dirichlet(self, points: TensorLike) -> TensorLike:

return bm.zeros(points.shape, dtype=points.dtype)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="HexahedronMesh 上的任意次 Lagrange 有限元空间的线性弹性问题求解.")
default='pytorch', type=str,
help='指定计算的后端类型, 默认为 pytorch.')
default=1, type=int,
help='Lagrange 有限元空间的次数, 默认为 1 次.')
default=2, type=int,
help='x 方向的初始网格单元数, 默认为 2.')
default=2, type=int,
help='y 方向的初始网格单元数, 默认为 2.')
default=2, type=int,
help='z 方向的初始网格单元数, 默认为 2.')
args = parser.parse_args()

pde = BoxDomainPolyUnloaded3d()
args = parser.parse_args()


nx, ny, nz = args.nx, args.ny,
mesh = HexahedronMesh.from_box(box=pde.domain(), nx=nx, ny=ny, nz=nz, device='cpu')

p =

tmr = timer("FEM Solver")

maxit = 4
errorType = ['$|| u - u_h ||_{L2}$']
errorMatrix = bm.zeros((len(errorType), maxit), dtype=bm.float64)
NDof = bm.zeros(maxit, dtype=bm.int32)
for i in range(maxit):
space = LagrangeFESpace(mesh, p=p, ctype='C')
tensor_space = TensorFunctionSpace(space, shape=(-1, 3))
NDof[i] = tensor_space.number_of_global_dofs()

linear_elastic_material = LinearElasticMaterial(name='lam1_mu1',
lame_lambda=1, shear_modulus=1,

integrator_K = LinearElasticIntegrator(material=linear_elastic_material, q=tensor_space.p+3)
bform = BilinearForm(tensor_space)
K = bform.assembly()
tmr.send('stiffness assembly')

integrator_F = VectorSourceIntegrator(source=pde.source, q=tensor_space.p+3)
lform = LinearForm(tensor_space)
F = lform.assembly()
tmr.send('source assembly')

uh_bd = bm.zeros(tensor_space.number_of_global_dofs(), dtype=bm.float64)
uh_bd, isDDof = tensor_space.boundary_interpolate(gD=pde.dirichlet, uh=uh_bd, threshold=None)

F = F - K.matmul(uh_bd)
F[isDDof] = uh_bd[isDDof]

indices = K.indices()
new_values = bm.copy(K.values())
IDX = isDDof[indices[0, :]] | isDDof[indices[1, :]]
new_values[IDX] = 0

K = COOTensor(indices, new_values, K.sparse_shape)
index, = bm.nonzero(isDDof)
one_values = bm.ones(len(index), **K.values_context())
one_indices = bm.stack([index, index], axis=0)
K1 = COOTensor(one_indices, one_values, K.sparse_shape)
K = K.add(K1).coalesce()

uh = tensor_space.function()
K = K.tocsr()
uh[:] = cg(K, F, maxiter=1000, atol=1e-14, rtol=1e-14)


u_exact = tensor_space.interpolate(pde.solution)
errorMatrix[0, i] = mesh.error(u=uh, v=pde.solution, q=tensor_space.p+3, power=2)

if i < maxit-1:

print("errorMatrix:\n", errorType, "\n", errorMatrix)
print("order_L2:\n ", bm.log2(errorMatrix[0, :-1] / errorMatrix[0, 1:]))
24 changes: 14 additions & 10 deletions fealpy/experimental/mesh/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -353,7 +353,8 @@ def from_one_hexahedron(cls, twist=False):
return cls(node, cell)

def from_box(cls, box=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], nx=10, ny=10, nz=10, threshold=None):
def from_box(cls, box=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], nx=10, ny=10, nz=10,
threshold=None, *, itype=None, ftype=None, device=None,):
Generate a hexahedral mesh for a box domain.
Expand All @@ -363,20 +364,23 @@ def from_box(cls, box=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], nx=10, ny=10, nz=10, threshold=None):
@param threshold Optional function to filter cells based on their barycenter coordinates (default: None)
@return HexahedronMesh instance
if itype is None:
itype = bm.int32
if ftype is None:
ftype = bm.float64

shape = (nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)
X = bm.linspace(box[0], box[1], nx+1, endpoint=True, dtype=bm.float64)[:, None, None]
# X = bm.linspace(box[0], box[1], nx+1, endpoint=True, dtype=bm.float64)
# X = X[:, None, None]
Y = bm.linspace(box[2], box[3], ny+1, endpoint=True, dtype=bm.float64)[None, :, None]
Z = bm.linspace(box[4], box[5], nz+1, endpoint=True, dtype=bm.float64)[None, None, :]
X = bm.linspace(box[0], box[1], nx+1, endpoint=True, dtype=ftype, device=device)[:, None, None]
Y = bm.linspace(box[2], box[3], ny+1, endpoint=True, dtype=ftype, device=device)[None, :, None]
Z = bm.linspace(box[4], box[5], nz+1, endpoint=True, dtype=ftype, device=device)[None, None, :]
X = bm.broadcast_to(X, shape).reshape(-1, 1)
Y = bm.broadcast_to(Y, shape).reshape(-1, 1)
Z = bm.broadcast_to(Z, shape).reshape(-1, 1)

node = bm.concatenate([X, Y, Z], axis=-1)

NN = (nx+1)*(ny+1)*(nz+1)
idx = bm.arange(0, NN).reshape(nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)
idx = bm.arange(0, NN, device=device).reshape(nx+1, ny+1, nz+1)
c = idx[:-1, :-1, :-1]

nyz = (ny + 1)*(nz + 1)
Expand All @@ -395,11 +399,11 @@ def from_box(cls, box=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], nx=10, ny=10, nz=10, threshold=None):
bc = bm.sum(node[cell, :], axis=1)/cell.shape[1]
isDelCell = threshold(bc)
cell = cell[~isDelCell]
isValidNode = bm.zeros(NN, dtype=bm.bool)
isValidNode = bm.zeros(NN, dtype=bm.bool, device=device)
isValidNode[cell] = True
node = node[isValidNode]
idxMap = bm.zeros(NN, dtype=cell.dtype)
idxMap[isValidNode] = bm.arange(isValidNode.sum())
idxMap = bm.zeros(NN, dtype=cell.dtype, device=device)
idxMap[isValidNode] = bm.arange(isValidNode.sum(), device=device)
cell = idxMap[cell]

return cls(node, cell)
Expand Down
25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions fealpy/experimental/mesh/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def __init__(self, extent: tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 1, 0, 1),
origin: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
itype=None, ftype=None):
*, itype=None, ftype=None, device=None):
Initializes a 2D uniform structured mesh.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ def __init__(self, extent: tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 1, 0, 1),
self.adjusted_edge_mask = self.get_adjusted_edge_mask()

# Specify the counterclockwise drawing
self.ccw = bm.array([0, 2, 3, 1], dtype=self.itype)
self.ccw = bm.array([0, 2, 3, 1], dtype=self.itype, device=device)

self.edge2cell = self.edge_to_cell()
self.face2cell = self.edge2cell
self.cell2edge = self.cell_to_edge()

self.localEdge = bm.array([(0, 2), (1, 3),
(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=self.itype)
(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=self.itype, device=device)

# 实体生成方法
Expand All @@ -153,14 +153,15 @@ def _get_node(self) -> TensorLike:
@berif Generate the nodes in a structured mesh.
device = self.device
GD = 2
nx = self.nx
ny = self.ny
box = [self.origin[0], self.origin[0] + nx * self.h[0],
self.origin[1], self.origin[1] + ny * self.h[1]]

x = bm.linspace(box[0], box[1], nx + 1, dtype=self.ftype)
y = bm.linspace(box[2], box[3], ny + 1, dtype=self.ftype)
x = bm.linspace(box[0], box[1], nx + 1, dtype=self.ftype, device=device)
y = bm.linspace(box[2], box[3], ny + 1, dtype=self.ftype, device=device)
xx, yy = bm.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')

node = bm.concatenate((xx[..., None], yy[..., None]), axis=-1)
Expand All @@ -177,14 +178,15 @@ def _get_edge(self) -> TensorLike:
@berif Generate the edges in a structured mesh.
device = self.device
nx = self.nx
ny = self.ny
NN = self.NN
NE = self.NE

idx = bm.arange(NN, dtype=self.itype).reshape(nx + 1, ny + 1)
idx = bm.arange(NN, dtype=self.itype, device=device).reshape(nx + 1, ny + 1)

edge = bm.zeros((NE, 2), dtype=self.itype)
edge = bm.zeros((NE, 2), dtype=self.itype, device=device)
NE0 = 0
NE1 = nx * (ny + 1)
edge = bm.set_at(edge, (slice(NE0, NE1), 0), idx[:-1, :].reshape(-1))
Expand All @@ -204,22 +206,23 @@ def _get_cell(self) -> TensorLike:
@berif Generate the cells in a structured mesh.
device = self.device
nx = self.nx
ny = self.ny

NN = self.NN
NC = self.NC

idx = bm.arange(NN).reshape(nx + 1, ny + 1)
idx = bm.arange(NN, device=device).reshape(nx + 1, ny + 1)

cell = bm.zeros((NC, 4), dtype=self.itype)
cell = bm.zeros((NC, 4), dtype=self.itype, device=device)
c = idx[:-1, :-1]
cell_0 = c.reshape(-1)
cell_1 = cell_0 + 1
cell_2 = cell_0 + ny + 1
cell_3 = cell_2 + 1
cell = bm.concatenate([cell_0[:, None], cell_1[:, None], cell_2[:, None],
cell_3[:, None]], axis=-1)
cell = bm.concatenate([cell_0[:, None], cell_1[:, None],
cell_2[:, None], cell_3[:, None]], axis=-1)

return cell

Expand Down

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