Simple receiver and web app for geolocation tracking.
There are 3 parts to getting getting this project up and running.
This server runs listening for tcp packets from the geo location device.The packets are parsed and geolocation data is stripped out and saved to our database.
This server provides the location data to our front end.
A react application displaying the google maps interface with a line mapped from our geolocation data obtained from the api server.
To run this project you will need the following things -
1). A server to host the gpsreciever and api (I used a small lightsail ubunutu instance on aws)
2). A google maps api (paid service)
3). A device capable of sending geolocation data (I'm using a pepwave transit duo MAX)
4). A database of some kind. My project is setup to use mongodb which is free. If you use something else you will need to update the database connections.
I will run through the steps I used for my configuration, these may differ depending on the setup you have.
Setup is pretty easy, you will need to clone a copy of the project to your hosting server. There are two sub projects. Both projects have a config.json file that will need configuring before deployment.
"googleApiKey": "<your_google_api_key>",
"locationServer": "<api_url>/location",
googleApiKey - this is the api key provided by google api services
locationServer - this is the full url of the api server geolocation end point (in the server project)
"mongodb": {
"user": "",
"pass": "",
"cluster": "",
"db": ""
These are the connection parameters required for mongodb. The server uses the mongoose libraries to connect to the my mongodb cluster.
Note : If you are having problems connnecting make sure that your ip address has been whitelisted in the Network Access section for your cluster on MongoDb.