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Revive TH tests
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- Add a custom Diff implementation as I couldn't find similar already
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phadej committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent 69b5666 commit c921bf6
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Showing 15 changed files with 365 additions and 32 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/simple.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
os: [macos-latest, windows-latest]
ghc: ['9.2.8']
ghc: ['9.4.8']
fail-fast: false
Expand Down
Empty file.
Empty file.
Empty file.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen/fixtures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
instance Storable foo
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 8;
alignment = \_ -> 4;
peek = \x_0 -> (pure Mkfoo <*> peekByteOff x_0 0) <*> peekByteOff x_0 32;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{Mkfoo i_3
c_4 -> pokeByteOff x_1 0 i_3 >> pokeByteOff x_1 32 c_4}}
instance Storable bar
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 16;
alignment = \_ -> 4;
peek = \x_0 -> pure Mkbar;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{Mkbar -> return ()}}
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen/fixtures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
instance Storable primitive
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 176;
alignment = \_ -> 16;
peek = \x_0 -> ((((pure Mkprimitive <*> peekByteOff x_0 0) <*> peekByteOff x_0 128) <*> peekByteOff x_0 160) <*> peekByteOff x_0 192) <*> peekByteOff x_0 1088;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{Mkprimitive c_3
f_7 -> (((pokeByteOff x_1 0 c_3 >> pokeByteOff x_1 128 i_4) >> pokeByteOff x_1 160 s2_5) >> pokeByteOff x_1 192 si2_6) >> pokeByteOff x_1 1088 f_7}}
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen/fixtures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
instance Storable S1
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 8;
alignment = \_ -> 4;
peek = \x_0 -> (pure MkS1 <*> peekByteOff x_0 0) <*> peekByteOff x_0 32;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{MkS1 a_3 b_4 -> pokeByteOff x_1 0 a_3 >> pokeByteOff x_1 32 b_4}}
instance Storable S2
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 12;
alignment = \_ -> 4;
peek = \x_0 -> ((pure MkS2 <*> peekByteOff x_0 0) <*> peekByteOff x_0 32) <*> peekByteOff x_0 64;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{MkS2 a_3
c_5 -> (pokeByteOff x_1 0 a_3 >> pokeByteOff x_1 32 b_4) >> pokeByteOff x_1 64 c_5}}
instance Storable X
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 1;
alignment = \_ -> 1;
peek = \x_0 -> pure MkX <*> peekByteOff x_0 0;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{MkX a_3 -> pokeByteOff x_1 0 a_3}}
instance Storable S4
where {sizeOf = \_ -> 8;
alignment = \_ -> 4;
peek = \x_0 -> (pure MkS4 <*> peekByteOff x_0 0) <*> peekByteOff x_0 32;
poke = \x_1 -> \x_2 -> case x_2 of
{MkS4 b_3 a_4 -> pokeByteOff x_1 0 b_3 >> pokeByteOff x_1 32 a_4}}
20 changes: 13 additions & 7 deletions hs-bindgen/hs-bindgen.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ test-suite golden
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: golden.hs
hs-source-dirs: tests
other-modules: Orphans
other-modules: Orphans Diff TH
-- Internal dependencies
, hs-bindgen
Expand All @@ -117,14 +117,20 @@ test-suite golden
-- Inherited dependencies
, containers
, bytestring
, mtl
, template-haskell
-- External dependencies
, directory ^>=
, filepath ^>= || ^>=
, tasty ^>=1.5
, tasty-golden ^>=2.3.5
, tasty-hunit ^>=0.10.2
, tree-diff ^>=0.3.1
, directory ^>=
, filepath ^>= || ^>=
, tasty ^>=1.5
, tasty-golden ^>=2.3.5
, tasty-hunit ^>=0.10.2
, tree-diff ^>=0.3.1
, syb ^>=
, vector ^>=
, ansi-terminal ^>=1.1.1
, utf8-string ^>=1.0.2

test-suite test-th
import: lang
Expand Down
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions hs-bindgen/src/HsBindgen/Backend/TH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module HsBindgen.Backend.TH (
) where

import Foreign.Storable qualified
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Language.Haskell.TH qualified as TH

import HsBindgen.Backend.Common
Expand All @@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ import HsBindgen.Backend.Common
Backend definition

data BE = BE
type BE :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data BE q = BE

instance BackendRep BE where
type Name BE = TH.Name
type Expr BE = TH.ExpQ
type Decl BE = TH.DecQ
instance TH.Quote q => BackendRep (BE q) where
type Name (BE q) = TH.Name
type Expr (BE q) = q TH.Exp
type Decl (BE q) = q TH.Dec

resolve _ = \case
Unit_type -> ''()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,11 +74,11 @@ instance BackendRep BE where
instanceDecs i
simpleDecl :: TH.Name -> SExpr BE -> TH.DecQ
simpleDecl :: TH.Name -> SExpr (BE q) -> q TH.Dec
simpleDecl x f = TH.valD (TH.varP x) (TH.normalB $ mkExpr be f) []

instance Backend BE where
newtype M BE a = Gen { unwrapGen :: Q a }
instance TH.Quote q => Backend (BE q) where
newtype M (BE q) a = Gen { unwrapGen :: q a }
deriving newtype (
, Applicative
Expand All @@ -91,5 +92,5 @@ instance Backend BE where
Monad functionality

runM :: M BE a -> Q a
runM :: M (BE q) a -> q a
runM = unwrapGen
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions hs-bindgen/src/HsBindgen/Backend/TH/Translation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module HsBindgen.Backend.TH.Translation (
, translateHs
) where

import Language.Haskell.TH (Q)
import Language.Haskell.TH qualified as TH

import HsBindgen.Backend.Common
Expand All @@ -17,13 +16,13 @@ import HsBindgen.Translation.LowLevel
Generate list of declarations for splicing

translateC :: C.Header -> TH.DecsQ
translateC :: TH.Quote q => C.Header -> q [TH.Dec]
translateC = translateHs . generateDeclarations

translateHs :: [Hs.Decl (Fresh BE)] -> TH.DecsQ
translateHs :: forall q. TH.Quote q => [Hs.Decl (Fresh (BE q))] -> q [TH.Dec]
translateHs =
aux . runM . mapM (toBE BE)
aux :: Q [TH.DecQ] -> TH.DecsQ
aux :: q ([q TH.Dec]) -> q [TH.Dec]
aux = (>>= sequence)

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen/src/HsBindgen/Hs/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module HsBindgen.Hs.Syntax where

data Typ
= Typ String -- ^ ground type
deriving (Show, Generic)

data Decl
= NewtypeDecl String Typ
deriving (Show, Generic)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hs-bindgen/src/HsBindgen/Lib.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ parseCHeader tracer p args fp =
genModule :: HsModuleOpts -> CHeader -> HsModule
genModule opts = WrapHsModule . Backend.E.translate opts . unwrapCHeader

genDecls :: CHeader -> TH.DecsQ
genDecls :: TH.Quote q => CHeader -> q [TH.Dec]
genDecls = Backend.TH.translateC . unwrapCHeader

Expand Down
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen/tests/Diff.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
-- | Colorful diff. Reasonably efficient, pretty colors.
module Diff (ansiLinesDiff) where

import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as ANSI

-- Utilities

min3 :: Ord k => k -> k -> k -> k
min3 x y z = min x (min y z)

pick3 :: Ord k => k -> a -> k -> a -> k -> a -> a
pick3 a x b y c z =
if a < b
then (if a < c then x else z)
else (if b < c then y else z)

-- Generic diff

data Diff a b d
= End
| Same [a] [b] (Diff a b d)
| Diff [a] [b] [d] (Diff a b d)
deriving Show

consS :: a -> b -> Diff a b d -> Diff a b d
consS x y (Same xs ys df) = Same (x : xs) (y : ys) df
consS x y df = Same [x] [y] df

consR :: b -> d -> Diff a b d -> Diff a b d
consR y d (Diff xs ys ds df) = Diff xs (y : ys) (d : ds) df
consR y d df = Diff [] [y] [d] df

consL :: a -> d -> Diff a b d -> Diff a b d
consL x d (Diff xs ys ds df) = Diff (x : xs) ys (d : ds) df
consL x d df = Diff [x] [] [d] df

consD :: a -> b -> d -> Diff a b d -> Diff a b d
consD x y d (Diff xs ys ds df) = Diff (x : xs) (y : ys) (d : ds) df
consD x y d df = Diff [x] [y] [d] df

genericDiff :: forall a b d. (a -> b -> (Double, d))
-> (a -> d)
-> (b -> d)
-> [a]
-> [b]
-> (Double, Diff a b d)
genericDiff cmp_ inl inr xs_ ys_ = (distance, walk 0 0)
distance = if dist 0 0 == 0 then 0 else dist 0 0 / fromIntegral (max xn yn)

xs :: V.Vector a
xs = V.fromList xs_

ys :: V.Vector b
ys = V.fromList ys_

xn = V.length xs
yn = V.length ys

cmp :: Int -> Int -> (Double, d)
cmp !i !j = comparisons V.! (j + i * yn)

comparisons :: V.Vector (Double, d)
comparisons = V.generate (xn * yn) aux
aux ij = cmp_ xc yc
(i, j) = ij `divMod` yn
xc = xs V.! i
yc = ys V.! j

dist :: Int -> Int -> Double
dist !i !j = distances V.! (j + i * (yn + 1))

distances :: V.Vector Double
distances = V.generate ((xn + 1) * (yn + 1)) $ \ij -> case ij `divMod` (yn + 1) of
(i, j)
| i == xn, j == yn
-> 0

| i == xn
-> 1 + dist i (j + 1)

| j == yn
-> 1 + dist (i + 1) j

| otherwise
, let (r, _) = cmp i j
-> if r == 0
then dist (i + 1) (j + 1)
else min3 (r + dist i (j + 1))
(r + dist (i + 1) j)
(r + dist (i + 1) (j + 1))

walk :: Int -> Int -> Diff a b d
walk !i !j
| i == xn, j == yn
= End

| i == xn
= consR yc (inr yc) (walk i (j + 1))

| j == yn
= consL xc (inl xc) (walk (i + 1) j)

| otherwise
, let (r, d) = cmp i j
= if r == 0
then consS xc yc (walk (i + 1) (j + 1))
else pick3 (dist i (j + 1)) (consR yc (inr yc) (walk i (j + 1)))
(dist (i + 1) j) (consL xc (inl xc) (walk (i + 1) j))
(dist (i + 1) (j + 1)) (consD xc yc d (walk (i + 1) (j + 1)))
xc = xs V.! i
yc = ys V.! j

-- ANSI helpers

ansiRed :: String
ansiRed = ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.SetColor ANSI.Foreground ANSI.Vivid ANSI.Red]

ansiGreen :: String
ansiGreen = ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.SetColor ANSI.Foreground ANSI.Vivid ANSI.Green]

ansiReset :: String
ansiReset = ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.Reset]

-- Lines diff

-- | Lines diff, where each line is also diffed to show in line additions/removals
linesDiff :: [String] -> [String] -> (Double, Diff String String (Either (Either String String) (Diff Char Char ())))
linesDiff xss yss = fullDiff
fullDiff = genericDiff
(\xs ys -> let (r, d) = lineDiff xs ys in (r, Right d))
(Left . Left)
(Left . Right)

lineDiff :: String -> String -> (Double, Diff Char Char ())
lineDiff = genericDiff
(\x y -> (if x == y then 0 else 1, ()))
(\_ -> ())
(\_ -> ())

ansiLinesDiff :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
ansiLinesDiff xss yss = ansify (snd (linesDiff xss yss))

ansify :: Diff String String (Either (Either String String) (Diff Char Char ())) -> [String]
ansify End = []
ansify (Same xs _ df) =
map noChange xs ++
ansify df
noChange s = ansiReset ++ " " ++ s
ansify (Diff _xs _ys ds df) =
mapMaybe removed_ ds ++
mapMaybe added_ ds ++
ansify df
removed s = ansiRed ++ "-" ++ s ++ ansiReset
added s = ansiGreen ++ "+" ++ s ++ ansiReset

removed_ :: Either (Either String String) (Diff Char Char ()) -> Maybe String
removed_ (Left (Left s)) = Just $ removed s
removed_ (Left (Right _)) = Nothing
removed_ (Right d) = Just $ ansiRed ++ "-" ++ ansiReset ++ removedLine d

added_ :: Either (Either String String) (Diff Char Char ()) -> Maybe String
added_ (Left (Right s)) = Just $ added s
added_ (Left (Left _)) = Nothing
added_ (Right d) = Just $ ansiGreen ++ "+" ++ ansiReset ++ addedLine d

removedLine :: Diff Char Char () -> String
removedLine End = ansiReset
removedLine (Same xs _ df) = ansiRed ++ xs ++ ansiReset ++ removedLine df
removedLine (Diff xs _ _ df) = ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.SetColor ANSI.Background ANSI.Dull ANSI.Red] ++ xs ++ ansiReset ++ removedLine df

addedLine :: Diff Char Char () -> String
addedLine End = ansiReset
addedLine (Same _ ys df) = ansiGreen ++ ys ++ ansiReset ++ addedLine df
addedLine (Diff _ ys _ df) = ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.SetColor ANSI.Background ANSI.Dull ANSI.Green] ++ ys ++ ansiReset ++ addedLine df

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