Vert.x Redis client, based on the official one:
This client enhances the original project with reconnect capabilities.
repositories {
implementation "ch.sourcemotion.vertx:vertx-redis-client-heimdall:[version]"
repositories {
To find the most recent version you could use the following link
<name>Maven Central</name>
The configuration class ch.sourcemotion.vertx.redis.client.heimdall.RedisHeimdallOptions
inherits from the original
project, so the basic options are similar. The additional reconnect options have default values, so basically
the client is ready to run out of the box. Please refer Javadoc of the options class for details
Vert.x Redis Heimdall options.
As this client implemented in Kotlin you should register the Jackson object mapper Kotlin module if you serialize
or ch.sourcemotion.vertx.redis.client.heimdall.subscription.RedisHeimdallSubscriptionOptions
This could be done with DatabindCodec.mapper().registerKotlinModule()
The client with the same basic functionality as the original client (additionally with reconnect capabilities) can be instantiated as follows.
final RedisHeimdall redisHeimdall = RedisHeimdall.create(vertx, new RedisHeimdallOptions());
val redisHeimdall = RedisHeimdall.create(vertx, RedisHeimdallOptions())
Please note, that the reconnected capability of the client works on a connection reference very limited. Means if you work directly on a connection reference, the reconnecting process will get started too, but the connection itself is not abstracted this way that it will be reusable after reconnect. So you must get a new connection reference from the client after reconnected.
So it's recommended to work on the client and not a connection directly when ever possible.
Client that uses a single connection to Redis and bypasses any pooling etc. It also provides reconnect capabilities as it uses RedisHeimdall under the hood.
final RedisHeimdall redisHeimdallLight = RedisHeimdall.createLight(vertx, new RedisHeimdallOptions());
val redisHeimdallLight = RedisHeimdall.createLight(vertx, RedisHeimdallOptions())
This client will probably provide the best performance unless you need connection pooling.
Commands against Redis getting queued until connected. On successful connect they are executed. If the initial connect fails, the callers will fail fast. There is no queueing for a later, delayed, successful connect.
An additional feature of this client is a specialized variant for subscription purposes only. ch.sourcemotion.vertx.redis.client.heimdall.subscription.RedisHeimdallSubscription.
This client is designed to use it for subscriptions only, but also with reconnect capabilities as well.
final RedisHeimdallSubscriptionOptions options = new RedisHeimdallSubscriptionOptions().addChannelNames("channel-to-subscribe").addChannelPatterns(""channel-pattern-to-subscribe"")
final Handler<SubscriptionMessage> messageHandler = message -> {
// Will called for message(s) by Redis subscription
final Future<RedisHeimdallSubscription> subscriptionFuture = RedisHeimdallSubscription.create(vertx, options, messageHandler);
val options = RedisHeimdallSubscriptionOptions().addChannelNames("channel-to-subscribe").addChannelPatterns("channel-pattern-to-subscribe")
val messageHandler = Handler<SubscriptionMessage> {
// Will called for message(s) by Redis subscription
val client = RedisHeimdallSubscription.create(vertx, options, messageHandler).await()
The subscription client will subscribe on the passed channel names immediately after instantiation. If you don't want to subscribe on any channels at this point you can pass an empty channel name list.
The subscription client provides functions to add and remove channels during runtime.
fun addChannels(vararg channelNames: String): Future<Response>
fun addChannelPatterns(vararg channelPatterns: String): Future<Response>
Suspend variant
suspend fun addChannelsAwait(vararg channelNames: String): RedisHeimdallSubscription
suspend fun addChannelPatternsAwait(vararg channelPatterns: String): RedisHeimdallSubscription
fun removeChannels(vararg channelNames: String): Future<Response>
fun removeChannelPatterns(vararg channelPatterns: String): Future<Response>
Suspend variant
suspend fun removeChannelsAwait(vararg channelNames: String): RedisHeimdallSubscription
suspend fun removeChannelPatternsAwait(vararg channelPatterns: String): RedisHeimdallSubscription
If the option ch.sourcemotion.vertx.redis.client.heimdall.RedisHeimdallOptions#reconnect
is set to true (default),
the client will reconnect on connection issues automatically.
While reconnecting is in progress the client will decline any command against Redis. So an
will be thrown immediately.
For the subscription client all known (currently subscribed) channels will get registered again after a successful reconnect.
The client should cover any situation of connection issues.
- If the TCP connection got lost
- When a command did signal with a connection issue.
Both client variants will notify you about the state of a reconnecting process.
If you have no need to get such notifications, you could disable this feature by setting false to
If a client detected a connection issue an event will get send over the event bus according to configured address
If the reconnecting process was successful, and the connectivity against Redis server(s) got established again
you will get notified on the event bus address.
If the reconnecting process did fail (max attempts reached), or the reconnecting capability disabled on the client
you will get notified on the event bus address.
Only two types of exception will be propagated to the client user.
On Redis protocol and usage failuresch.sourcemotion.vertx.redis.client.heimdall.RedisHeimdallException
On any other kind of cause
The ch.sourcemotion.vertx.redis.client.heimdall.RedisHeimdallException
has a property
which gives you more information
about the kind of error.
Both is very welcome. :) ... Have fun.