Auxiliary jQuery plugins
Copyright (c) 2014 Wendelin Thomas. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).
Drawing method takes visual data from a single given source and "draws" it into each element of the context jQuery element set.
Supported sources are:
- HTMLVideoElement
- HTMLCanvasElement
- HTMLImageElement
- File, containing imagery data that can be put into a HTMLImageElement
- Blob, "
- URL, any valid URL will do: dataURL, Blob URL, normal URL, whatever
Supported targets
- HTMLCanvasElement
- HTMLImageElement
Note: If the source is a HTMLVideoElement then a video still image is taken and drawn into the target or each item in the target set.
If successful the deferred object is resolved with the target.
- type {String} MimeType to be used when drawing img[s]
- width {Integer} Resize width
- height {Integer} Resize height
- scale {Boolean} Resize scaling/keep aspect ratio when resizing
- async {Boolean} Async mode (enables File and Blob sources) method will return $.Deferred for chaining
- maxWidth {Integer} Max width constraint
- maxHeight {Integer} Max height constraint
@method $.draw
@param source {URL || HTMLElement || jQuery set || File || Blob}
@param target {HTMLElement || jQuery set} If undefined a new HTMLCanvasElement is used
@param options {Object} Options: type, width, height, scale, async
@returns {Object} target or if async=true $.Deferred instance that when successful returns the target
Get a Blob
- multiple {Boolean} override, force support for multiple files from single source => see:
- async {Boolean} Wrap response in a $.Deferred
- type {String} Image mimetype to default to or if (convert) to enforce
- convert {Boolean} Conversion to be forced: image mimeType and width && height
- width {Integer} Resize image width
- height {Integer} Resize image height
@method $.blob
@param source {File || Blob || HTMLVideoElement || HTMLCanvasElement || HTMLImageElement}
@param options {Object} Options: multiple, convert, async, width, height, type
@return {Blob || File || $.Deferred()}
Get dataURL[s]
- multiple {Boolean} override, force support for multiple files from single source => see:
- async {Boolean} Wrap response in a $.Deferred
- type {String} Image mimetype to default to or if (convert) to enforce
- convert {Boolean} Conversion to be forced: image mimeType and width && height
- width {Integer} Resize image width
- height {Integer} Resize image height
@method $.dataURL
@param source {File || Blob || HTMLVideoElement || HTMLCanvasElement || HTMLImageElement}
@param options {Object} Options: multiple, convert, async, width, height, type
@return {Blob || File || $.Deferred()}