Curated List of Good TED Talks
This project was started in high school when I watched a bunch of TED talks and wanted to keep track of the ones I really liked. It started as just a simple list, but categories soon formed.
Later in life, enough friends asked me to share my list with them that I was nudged to sharing it online. Not one for writing many words, a blog did not appeal to me, but just posting [a barebones list](Good Ted was enough.
However, the categories I used to have no longer made sense, but the number of talks I wanted to share was just a smidge too large to make re-sorting them easy. Naturally, the first solution I reached for was to cluster them based on their transcripts, which brings me to the current state of this project.
source venv/bin/activate
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Populate database with objects
Scrape transcripts of talks to html files
Add function to add a new talk to the database
Basic web server to serve same content on a website
Draft designs for UI
Build basic D3 web animation
Add spring physics based on weights
Investigate clustering algorithms
- TF-IDF with hiercharchical clustering?
- LDA?
Implement TF-IDF hierarchical algorithm that outputs similarity scores
Determine aesthetically pleasing parameters
- Term-frequency metric
- Cut-off for including edges