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A flexible backup tool

   o Easy to configure
   o Uses dump, afio, GNU tar, cpio, star, pax, or zip archivers
   o Full and numbered levels of incremental backup (acts like "dump")
   o Compression and buffering options for all backup types
   o Does remote filesystems (over rsh/ssh; no special service)
   o Package delta mode can backup files not owned by rpm, or owned+changed files.
   o Writes to tapes, on-disk archive files, or on-disk directory trees
   o Keeps a table of contents so you know what archives are on each tape
   o Nice log files

Software needed:
   o perl
   o fileutils, findutils (a "find" capable of using the -regex switch)
   o one or more of
       dump/restore, afio, GNU tar, star, pax, cpio, zip
   o mt (if using tapes)
   o gzip, bzip2, lzop, or compress (optional)
   o buffer (optional) [needs patches or recompile for 2+GB file support]

See the INSTALL file for installation instructions.

I looked at many other packages and didn't really find anything that
worked the way I wanted it to.  For my needs I felt the existing
packages were any combination of:
   o Too complex to setup/use
   o Lacked documentation
   o Nonstandard archiving formats
   o Overkill for a small network of 2 or 3 machines
   o Too simplistic, or hard-coded assumptions
   o No scripts helped drive "dump/restore"
   o Didn't have features I wanted

I also wanted to take the standard backup tools and make a generic
interface to them.


--> Please see "flexbackup -help" and the config file comments, or the
flexbackup(1) and flexbackup.conf(5) manpages.  There are many useful
options that aren't appropriate to describe here.

To do a full backup of /home:

   flexbackup -dir /home

For nightly incremental backups, run something like this via cron:

   flexbackup -set all -level 9

To do a full backup of /usr from machine "otherhost", forcing cpio type:

   flexbackup -dir otherhost:/usr -type cpio

To do an level 5 incremental backup of a named backup set:

   flexbackup -set backupset2 -level 5

Extract all files from file number 1 on the tape into current directory:

   flexbackup -extract -num 1

Compare afio archive at current tape position with the current

   flexbackup -compare -type afio

Extract files listed in "restorelist" from an on-disk file:

   flexbackup -extract home.0.19990930.afio -flist restorelist

List what backups are on this tape:

   flexbackup -toc


 Remote: rsh or ssh is used for remote backups.  Backups of remote machines
 are to be run from the machine with the tape drive or archive disk space.

 Archiving to files - just set $device to a directory. Backups will be
 called <filesystem>.<level>.<yyyymmdd>.<type>.  If you use type "copy" or
 "rsync", instead of an archive file you'll get a directory tree with the 
 files mirrored in it.

 Log files are of the format <fs>.<level>.<yyyymmdd> Lower-level backups
 will wipe out all higher-level log files in the log directory for that
 filesystem.  A symlink is made to the "latest" log for a certain

 Extracting only lists of files: dump/restore and tar will recurse
 into subdirectories if they are in the list.  afio and cpio will not
 (you must list all the files you want to extract them in that case)

 When comparing "dump" archives, and if you only backed up a
 subdirectory of a filesystem, you will get errors for the "other"
 parts of the filesystem.  Similarly, if you extract a dump archive,
 remember that it keeps the subdirectory path, the "top" of the
 archive is not necessarily the directory you told it to dump, but
 rather the mount point of the filesystem


 The first file on a tape is the "index key" (see "flexbackup -toc").
 Therefore, use the -num switch to read specific archives.  e.g, to read the
 first backup archive on a tape: "flexbackup -list -num 1".  Otherwise you
 can position it yourself with "mt fsf 1 ; flexbackup -list ... "

 Level 0 backups of "all" assume a new tape - will trigger
 tape retension and erasure.  Other backups move tape to
 current end of data and start the backup there.

 Backups rewind the tape when done.  Other operations leave it where it is.

 If you split the "all" level 0 backup into sets, tape numbers start at 0.

 If you set device to "host:/dev/tapedevice", you can use remote tape
 drives (via rsh/ssh)

 I suggest using "afio" for tapes, especially if you want compression.  It
 compresses one file at a time, so an error will not corrupt your entire
 archive like with other types.  If you are using on-disk backups, the
 archive type doesn't matter as much.


Here's a snippet of a config file that I'm using, so you can see how the
filesystem "sets" and pruning options work.

# Configure backup "sets".
# Not needed if you use "-dir <dir>" to backup one tree at a time.
# Each set is a simple space-separated list of filesystems
# Remote filesystems should denoted as 'host:dir'
# You can use anything (other than 'all') as set names
# Example:
#  $set{'set1'} = "/home /usr";
#  $set{'set2'} = "/dir3 machine2:/dir4 machine3:/dir5";
# "-set all" will back up all defined sets. If you are doing a full backup
# using tapes, each "set" will go onto a different tape and you will be
# prompted for tape change in between.
$set{'homes'} = "/home/user1 /home/user2 /home/user3";
$set{'alletc'} = "/etc hercules:/etc thor:/etc gazelle:/etc";
$set{'other'} = "/var/named /net/local /net/www";
$set{'os'} = "/ hercules:/ thor:/ gazelle:/";
$set{'laptop'} = "laptop:/etc laptop:/home/edwinh";

# Subtree pruning
# A space-separated list of directories to prune from each backup.
# Key is a filesystem or host:dir spec as outlined above
# regular expressions allowed (not shell-type wildcards!)
$prune{'/'}          = "tmp proc var/spool/news var/spool/squid disk. mnt.? misc net";
$prune{'hercules:/'} = "tmp proc disk. mnt.? misc net";
$prune{'thor:/'}     = "tmp proc disk. mnt.? misc net";
$prune{'gazelle:/'}  = "tmp proc disk. mnt.? misc net";
$prune{'/net/local'} = "games";


This goes with the above.  Shows how the sets are arranged and how the
-wday flag could be used.  (You will not want the "root" field for a normal
user crontab... this is in /etc/crontab type format.)

# Home directories at 3:31am
# Daily incremental backups weekdays (catch day-to-day changes)
# Weekly differential backups Saturday (catch all changes since full)
# Full backup - once a month on Sunday only
31   3    *     *  1-5 root flexbackup -set homes -incremental
31   3    *     *    6 root flexbackup -set homes -differential
31   3  1-7     *    * root flexbackup -wday 7 -set homes -full -type afio

# All /etc dirs at 3:01
# Daily incremental backups weekdays (catch day-to-day changes)
# Weekly differential backups Saturday (catch all changes since full)
# Full backup - once a month on Sunday only
1    3    *     *  1-5 root flexbackup -set alletc -incremental
1    3    *     *    6 root flexbackup -set alletc -differential
1    3  1-7     *    * root flexbackup -wday 7 -set alletc -full -type afio

# Other filesystems at 2:31am
# Daily incremental backups weekdays (catch day-to-day changes)
# Weekly differential backups Saturday (catch all changes since full)
# Full backup - once a month on Sunday only
31   2    *     *  1-5 root flexbackup -set other -incremental
31   2    *     *    6 root flexbackup -set other -differential
31   2  1-7     *    * root flexbackup -wday 7 -set other -full -type afio

# Unowned/changed package stuff on each machine at 1:01am
# Only once a month
1    1  1-7     *    * root flexbackup -wday 7 -set os -pkgdelta rpm -full


 I originally did this to to help automate my life.
 See the TODO list for what we might be planning to do next.

 Send problems/suggestions to:
 Please check the FAQ!
 See for contact information.

   Edwin Huffstutler <>

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