Thanks for downloading GPSEE! This is version 0.2.1.
Please visit us on the web at for the most recent documentation and build instructions.
The most recent version of SpiderMonkey which has been tested and is known to work with GPSEE is revision 4498af260a06 from the Mozilla-1.9.2 (FireFox 3.6) tree.
The GPSEE-0.2 will not work with post-fatvals JSAPI. GPSEE-0.3 is in development now and will support JS-1.8.5.
To select a specific version of SpiderMonkey, enter the repository directory and use the following command: hg revert --rev=XXX --all
* a platform for developing and running CommonJS programs
* a general-purpose C API for embedding SpiderMonkey + CommonJS
* a general-purpose C API for adding interoperability between JSAPI
* licensed under the exact same terms as SpiderMonkey
* pronounced "gypsy"
GPSEE is written and maintained by PageMail, Inc. The primary developers are Wes Garland and Donny Viszneki, however, we are actively looking for contributions from the community! GPSEE is an offshoot of earlier, proprietary research and development at PageMail. That project's primary goal was to create an easy-to-embed JavaScript language interpreter which can be used as glue and configuration logic in large software systems, with interest in the ability to write batch jobs and serve web content.
GPSEE is delivered as one unit, but compromises three main facets: 1. gsr, the GPSEE Script Runner, which executes CommonJS programs, including via shell-script "shebang" facilities. GPSEE also ships with some sample REPLs (shells), including a CommonJS-enabled version of Mozilla's JS Shell. 2. GPSEE-core is a group of facilities which allow embedders to load modules, and to use SpiderMonkey's limited-use facilities (e.g. context private storage) without worrying about stepping on other modules' toes. GPSEE-core is designed to be call-compatible with SpiderMonkey, so that it may be turned on and off with a simple header file change. 3. modules is a directory with "stock" modules, adding functionality to the JavaScript language such as ByteString, ByteArray, POSIX signals, CGI, and FFI (foreign-function interface). The FFI module allows painless wrapping of C functions and datatypes for use in creating new JavaScript modules.
GPSEE is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, or fitness for any purpose. We do not guarantee that GPSEE does not infringe upon any patents or copyrights, although we try very hard to insure that it does not.
There is no support for GPSEE. However, you can often find the GPSEE developers on irc://, and we're friendly.
**** The most recent version of these build instructions is **** available at
Building GPSEE is very straightforward. GPSEE's build system knows how to build SpiderMonkey, LibFFI, GPSEE, the included modules, and how to install it all. There is no autoconf magic, you just need to edit three files named (one for GPSEE, one for SpiderMonkey, one for LibFFI) to let GPSEE know where you keep things and you're off to the races.
* Solaris 10+, Recent Linux, or MacOS/X 10.5+
* Any UNIX(tm) conforming to SUSv3 should work
* BSD UNIX is also expected to work
* GCC 3.4
* GNU Make 3.81
* SpiderMonkey prerequisites for multi-threaded build (we've listed the
current ones below, but Mozilla could change them on us)
* autoconf-2.13 (exactly 2.13)
* NSPR 4.7
* for more info
Solaris 10 * * NSPR in SUNWpr, SUNWprd packages which ship with Solaris 10u5
Mac Ports * sudo port install autoconf213 * sudo port install nspr * Note: Using Mac Ports GCC is not supported; use Apple's compiler for a pain-free build
Fedora Core 10 * sudo yum install -y autoconf213
Ubuntu 9.10 * sudo apt-get install mercurial autoconf2.13 libnspr4-dev libncurses5-dev libdb-dev
What follows is a point-form list of typical steps required to build and install GPSEE. If you're unable to build it for some reason, you can look for help in #gpsee on We're often online at wierd hours of the day, and almost always available during EST (GMT-0500) business hours.
Get the sources into your homedir * cd * wget * tar -zxvf libffi-3.0.10.tar.gz * mkdir hg * cd hg * hg clone gpsee * hg clone
Configure GPSEE, LibFFI, and SpiderMonkey * cd gpsee * cp * cp spidermonkey/ spidermonkey/ * cp libffi/ libffi/ * vi #edit suitably, then quit * vi spidermonkey/ #edit suitably, then quit * vi libffi/ #edit suitably, then quit
Build SpiderMonkey * cd spidermonkey * make build * sudo make install * cd ..
Build Libffi * cd libffi * make build * sudo make install * cd ..
Build GPSEE * make build * sudo make install
Test * /usr/bin/gsr -c 'print("Hello, World");'