is a library for parsing and extracting Warcraft III map files. It provides functionality to extract data from MPQ files and supports parsing various file formats.
- Extract files from MPQ archives
- Support for parsing W3I, WTS, and other file formats
- Command-line tool for file extraction and export
cargo add war3parser
use war3parser::war3map_metadata::War3MapMetadata;
let buffer = std::fs::read("path/to/map.w3x").unwrap();
let metadata = War3MapMetadata::from(&buffer).unwrap();
cargo install war3parser-cli
$ war3parser-cli help
A extractor and parser for Warcraft 3 map files
Usage: war3parser-cli <COMMAND>
dump-metadata Dump metadata from a map file [aliases: d]
extract-file Extract a file from a MPQ archive and save it [aliases: x]
extract-images Extract images with *.tga and *.blp extensions [aliases: i]
convert-image Convert a *tga/blp file to png [aliases: c]
list-files List files in a MPQ archive [aliases: l]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
npm install @wesleyel/war3parser
import { WasmMapInfo } from "@wesleyel/war3parser";
const mapInfo = WasmMapInfo.new(Uint8Array.from(buffer));
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a Pull Request or report an Issue.
is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.