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Linus Analytics Bike Store
Built with the Next.js App Router


This is a web application for a fictional bike store, built using the following technology stack:

This web application uses the new Next.js App Router. Including functionality to Create, Read, Update, and Delete bikes from the inventory as if you were the shop owner.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up this project on your own GitHub repository and deploy it on your own Vercel account.


  • Git installed on your local machine
  • A GitHub account
  • A Vercel account

Setup Instructions

1. Setup project on your own GitHub repository

1.1. Clone the Project

Start by cloning this project to your local machine:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <project-directory>

Replace <repository-url> with the URL of this repository and <project-directory> with the folder where you’d like to save the project files.

1.2. Create a New Repository on GitHub

  1. Go to GitHub and log in.
  2. Create a new, blank repository on your account. Do not initialize it with a README or .gitignore file.

1.3. Update the Remote Repository URL

Now, link your local project to your new GitHub repository by updating the remote URL.

git remote set-url origin

Replace your-username and your-new-repository with your actual GitHub username and the name of the new repository.

1.4. Push the Code to Your New Repository

Push the project files to your new GitHub repository:

git push -u origin main

This command sets main as the default branch and uploads all files to your new repository.

2. Deploy project on your own Vercel account

2.1. Import your git repository to your vercel account

  1. Go to the Vercel Dashboard and click Add New… > Project.
  2. Import your GitHub repository into Vercel.
  3. During the setup, ensure that you link the repository to the correct project on Vercel.

2.2. Setup storage and connect it to your vercel project

  1. Create a Postgres Database:
  • Go to the Vercel Dashboard and navigate to the Storage section.
  • Click Create Database and choose Postgres.
  • Connect this database to your vercel project.
  • Click Show secret in the Vercel Postgres Database Dashboard and find POSTGRES_URL environment variable in .env.local and copy it to your project.
  1. Create Database Table:
  • In the Vercel Postgres database dashboard, create the products table and status type using the following SQL commands:

    CREATE TYPE status AS ENUM ('active', 'draft', 'archived');
    CREATE TYPE type AS ENUM ('road bike', 'mountain bike', 'racing bike');
    CREATE TABLE products (
      name TEXT NOT NULL,
      description TEXT NOT NULL,
      rating NUMERIC(10, 2) NOT NULL,
      price NUMERIC(10, 2) NOT NULL,
      quantity INTEGER NOT NULL,
      type type NOT NULL,
      status status NOT NULL,
      image_url TEXT NOT NULL,
      available_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
  1. Set Up Blob Storage:
  • In the same Storage section, click Create Storage and select Blob Storage.
  • Connect this storage to your vercel project.
  • Click Show secret in the Vercel Blob Store Dashboard and find BLOB_READ_WRITE_TOKEN environment variable in .env.local and copy it to your project, enabling read/write access to the storage bucket.

2.3. Install Dependencies and Start the Development Server

To run the project locally, install dependencies and start the server:

pnpm install
pnpm dev

You should now be able to access the application at http://localhost:3000.

2.4. Seed the Database:

Uncomment app/api/seed.ts in the project code, then navigate to http://localhost:3000/api/seed to seed your database with initial product data.

2.5. Deploying the Project on Vercel

Once your repository and storage setup are complete, deploy the project on Vercel:

  1. Go to your project in the Vercel Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Deploy button if the project has not been deployed automatically.
  3. Vercel will use the environment variables and configurations to deploy your project.

Once deployed, you will see a live URL for your web application. Any subsequent changes pushed to the main branch will automatically redeploy the project.


After setting up the repository and deploying on Vercel, you can continue developing and pushing changes to GitHub. To update the project on GitHub, use:

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push origin main


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have suggestions for improvements!