A simple testing framework for lua with the least amount of bloat and dependencies possible.
####Using least Make sure least.lua is in your package.path, then simply
local describe = require("least")
And start testing!
local describe = require("least")
describe("least lets you organize your tests by suite",function(_ENV)
describe("least supports sub-suites and sub-suites with sub-suites, and so on",function()
it("has basic assertions",function()
it("supports truthy/falsey/nil checks",function()
it.should.fail("when truthy is given a false value",function()
You might notice that I import the module as the describe function; this is because the module conviently maps its call attribute to the least.describe function.
Additionally, a fake environment is created when calling your testing functions, giving them access to all of the functions below without the least namespace.
You may notice the _ENV argument to the topmost function; this is only required to create the fake environment in lua 5.2. Otherwise, it may be omitted.
####Output By default, least prints out any failed tests, asserts, or suites, and a quick dot-summary at the end of each suite. You can turn off the printing of dots on successful tests by setting least.quiet to true.
####Functions ######least.describe
least.describe ( description, func )
least.suite ( description, func )
In least, 'suite' and 'describe' are synonymous.
least.test ( description, func )
least.it ( description, func )
least.test.should.pass ( description, func )
least.it.should.pass ( description, func )
As are 'test' and 'it'. You can use whichever fits your preference.
least.test.should.fail ( description, func )
least.it.should.fail ( description, func )
least.assert ( statement )
least.assert.truthy ( statement )
least.assert.falsy ( statement )
least.assert.isNil ( statement )