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Add the manifest link relation
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This integrates the manifest link relation into the HTML Standard, using
its existing link-fetching machinery to replace what was previously in This includes the
following changes from those algorithms:

* It sets the request's client.
* It respects the nonce="", integrity="", and referrerpolicy=""
* It causes non-ok status responses to fail, instead of processing the
  response body anyway.
* It sets the use-URL-credentials flag.
* It changes the handling of the crossorigin="" attribute to be
  consistent with the modulepreload link relation, with a default of
  "same-origin" instead of "omit".

Co-authored-by: Domenic Denicola <>
Co-authored-by: Marcos Cáceres <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Jul 14, 2020
1 parent a2294a9 commit 81d7284
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 12 deletions.
115 changes: 103 additions & 12 deletions source
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3976,6 +3976,18 @@ a.setAttribute('href', ''); // change the content attribute
<li><dfn data-x-href="">legacy-clone a browsing session storage shed</dfn></li>

<dt>Web App Manifest</dt>

<p>The following features are defined in <cite>Web App Manifest</cite>: <ref spec=MANIFEST></p>

<ul class="brief">
<li><dfn data-x-href="">application manifest</dfn></li>
<li><dfn data-x-href="">installed web application</dfn></li>
<li><dfn data-x-href="">process the manifest</dfn></li>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6676,13 +6688,14 @@ a.setAttribute('href', ''); // change the content attribute
<p>The majority of fetches governed by <span data-x="CORS settings attribute">CORS settings
attributes</span> will be done via the <span>create a potential-CORS request</span> algorithm.</p>

<p>For <span data-x="module script">module scripts</span>, certain <span data-x="CORS settings
attribute">CORS settings attributes</span> have been repurposed to have a slightly different
meaning, wherein they only impact the <span data-x="concept-request">request</span>'s <span
data-x="concept-request-credentials-mode">credentials mode</span> (since the <span
data-x="concept-request-mode">mode</span> is always "<code data-x="">cors</code>"). To perform
this translation, we define the <dfn>module script credentials mode</dfn> for a given <span>CORS
settings attribute</span> to be determined by switching on the attribute's state:</p>
<p id="module-script-credentials-mode">For more modern features, where the request's <span
data-x="concept-request-mode">mode</span> is always "<code data-x="">cors</code>", certain <span
data-x="CORS settings attribute">CORS settings attributes</span> have been repurposed to have a
slightly different meaning, wherein they only impact the <span
data-x="concept-request">request</span>'s <span
data-x="concept-request-credentials-mode">credentials mode</span>. To perform this translation, we
define the <dfn>CORS settings attribute credentials mode</dfn> for a given <span>CORS settings
attribute</span> to be determined by switching on the attribute's state:</p>

<dl class="switch">
<dt><span data-x="attr-crossorigin-none">No CORS</span></dt>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -13151,6 +13164,7 @@ interface <dfn>HTMLLinkElement</dfn> : <span>HTMLElement</span> {
<code data-x="rel-alternate">alternate</code>,
<code data-x="rel-dns-prefetch">dns-prefetch</code>,
<code data-x="rel-icon">icon</code>,
<code data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code>,
<code data-x="rel-modulepreload">modulepreload</code>,
<code data-x="rel-next">next</code>,
<code data-x="rel-pingback">pingback</code>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -23838,6 +23852,14 @@ document.body.appendChild(wbr);</code></pre>
<td>Imports an icon to represent the current document.</td>

<td><code data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code></td>
<td><span data-x="external resource link">External Resource</span></td>
<td colspan="2"><em>not allowed</em></td>
<td class="no"> &middot; </td>
<td>Imports or links to an <span>application manifest</span>. <ref spec=MANIFEST></td>

<td><code data-x="rel-modulepreload">modulepreload</code></td>
<td><span data-x="external resource link">External Resource</span></td>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -24441,6 +24463,72 @@ document.body.appendChild(wbr);</code></pre>

<h5>Link type "<dfn><code data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code></dfn>"</h5>

<p>The <code data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code> keyword may be used with <code>link</code> elements.
This keyword creates an <span data-x="external resource link">external resource link</span>.</p>

<p>The <code data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code> keyword indicates the manifest file that provides
metadata associated with the current document.</p>

<div w-nodev>

<p>There is no default type for resources given by the <code data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code>

<p>The appropriate time to <span>fetch and process the linked resource</span> for this link type
is when the user agent deems it necessary. For example, when the user chooses to <span
data-x="installed web application">install the web application</span>. In that case, only the
first <code>link</code> element in <span>tree order</span> whose <code
data-x="attr-link-rel">rel</code> attribute contains the token <code
data-x="rel-manifest">manifest</code> may be used.</p>

<p>A user agent must not <span>delay the load event</span> for this link type.</p>

<p>The <span>linked resource fetch setup steps</span> for this type of linked resource, given a
<code>link</code> element <var>el</var> and <span data-x="concept-request">request</span>
<var>request</var>, are:</p>

<li><p>Let <var>context</var> be <var>el</var>'s <span>node document</span>'s <span
data-x="concept-document-bc">browsing context</span>.</p></li>

<li><p>If <var>context</var> is null, then return false.</p></li>

<li><p>If <var>context</var> is not a <span>top-level browsing context</span>, then return

<li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-initiator">initiator</span> to
"<code data-x="">manifest</code>".</p></li>

<li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-destination">destination</span> to
"<code data-x="">manifest</code>".</p></li>

<li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-mode">mode</span> to "<code

<li><p>Set <var>request</var>'s <span data-x="concept-request-credentials-mode">credentials
mode</span> to the <span>CORS settings attribute credentials mode</span> for <var>el</var>'s
<code data-x="attr-link-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> content attribute.</p></li>

<li><p>Return true.</p></li>

<p>To <span data-x="process the linked resource">process this type of linked resource</span> given
a <code>link</code> element <var>el</var>, boolean <var>success</var>, and <span
data-x="concept-response">response</span> <var>response</var>:</p>

<li><p>If <var>response</var>'s <span data-x="Content-Type">Content-Type metadata</span> is not a
<span>JSON MIME type</span>, then set <var>success</var> to false.</p></li>

<li><p>If <var>success</var> is true, then <span>process the manifest</span> given <var>el</var>
and <var>response</var>. <ref spec=MANIFEST></p></li>


<h5>Link type "<dfn><code data-x="rel-modulepreload">modulepreload</code></dfn>"</h5>

<p>The <code data-x="rel-modulepreload">modulepreload</code> keyword may be used with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -24521,8 +24609,8 @@ document.body.appendChild(wbr);</code></pre>
<li><p>Let <var>settings object</var> be the <code>link</code> element's <span>node
document</span>'s <span>relevant settings object</span>.</p></li>

<li><p>Let <var>credentials mode</var> be the <span>module script credentials mode</span> for the
<code data-x="attr-link-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> attribute.</p></li>
<li><p>Let <var>credentials mode</var> be the <span>CORS settings attribute credentials
mode</span> for the <code data-x="attr-link-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> attribute.</p></li>

<li><p>Let <var>cryptographic nonce</var> be the current value of the element's
<span>[[CryptographicNonce]]</span> internal slot.</p></li>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57863,9 +57951,9 @@ o............A....e
<li><p>Let <var>classic script CORS setting</var> be the current state of the element's <code
data-x="attr-script-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> content attribute.</p></li>

<li><p>Let <var>module script credentials mode</var> be the <span>module script credentials
mode</span> for the element's <code data-x="attr-script-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> content
<li><p>Let <var>module script credentials mode</var> be the <span>CORS settings attribute
credentials mode</span> for the element's <code
data-x="attr-script-crossorigin">crossorigin</code> content attribute.</p>

<li><p>Let <var>cryptographic nonce</var> be the element's <span>[[CryptographicNonce]]</span>
internal slot's value.</p></li>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121845,6 +121933,9 @@ INSERT INTERFACES HERE
<dt id="refsMAILTO">[MAILTO]</dt>
<dd>(Non-normative) <cite><a href="">The 'mailto' URI scheme</a></cite>, M. Duerst, L. Masinter, J. Zawinski. IETF.</dd>

<dt id="refsMANIFEST">[MANIFEST]</dt>
<dd><cite><a href="">Web App Manifest</a></cite>, M. Caceres, K. Rohde Christiansen, M. Lamouri, A. Kostiainen, M. Giuca, A. Gustafson. W3C.</dd>

<dt id="refsMATHML">[MATHML]</dt>
<dd><cite><a href="">Mathematical Markup Language (MathML)</a></cite>, D. Carlisle, P. Ion, R. Miner. W3C.</dd>

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