A set of free add-ons for users of First Person Exploration Kit.
Each folder contains a file called Requirements.txt. This file lists the Unity version, First Person Exploration Kit version, and other package dependencies (with versions) required for that add on to work.
All add-ons that rely on 3rd party packages (e.g. Cinemachine) should be considered in permanent Beta. Support will be provided where possible, but external 3rd party updates may change how the add-on behaves.
A sample project that uses elevator floors to switch scenes.
A basic integration of a Cinemachine-driven cutscene camera with First Person Exploration Kit v2.0.2
A simple single scene teleporter. Works like default Doorways, but does not load a new scene or save/load data. Good for cinematic hard cuts, etc.
A new player start type that allows the player to start the game in a dock (e.g. waking up sat in a chair)
A simple way to add various surfaces to your game that make the player's footsteps sound different (e.g. Walking on hardwood floor vs. carpet)
Integration with the Fungus dialog system so you can add your favourite Fungus dialog and features to your game!
Basic integration with another While Fun Games asset: Virtual Snapshot