SSVG is simulation software that allows us to fly our own spacecrafts in the solar system. Each spacecraft has three propulsion systems: a chemical propulsion engine, an electric propulsion engine, and a solar sail.
Fly your own spacecrafts in the precisely simulated solar system.
Read more on the home page. <>
- Python 3.8
- Numpy v1.20.1
- Scipy v1.6.2
- matplotlib v3.2.2
- jplephem v2.16
- julian v0.14
- pytwobodyorbit v1.0.0
- spktype01 v1.0.0
- spktype21 v0.1.0
- The development environment became to Anaconda3-2021.06
- To use the latest planetary ephemeris of NASA/JPL
- To use parallel projection to draw figures on the 3D Orbit window
- The development environment was renewed to Anaconda3-2019.07
- The font settings of GUI was improved
- A statement to use "Qt5Agg" backend for Matplotlib was added
- Maneuver Description was implemented
- Import/export functions were implemented
- Edit Target command was improved
- The user interface was improved
- Errors in words were corrected
- Problems in file access in Windows environments were fixed
- A defect that terminates SSVG accidentally was fixed
- Menu items to open the SSVG User's Guide and the home page of SSVG were added
- SSVG was internationalized (we added user interface in Japanese with an extensible manner)
- The user interface was improved
- SSVG corresponded to pytwobodyorbit v1.0.0
- SSVG became to support Type 21 SPK file
- The user interface was improved
- The user interface was improved
- The B-plane coordinates was introduced
- The first release