rm subfinder.txt amass.txt hakrawler.txt gau.txt crt.txt final.txt final_output.txt
# Check if the domain is provided as an argument if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi
# File names subfinder_file="subfinder.txt" amass_file="amass.txt" hakrawler_file="hakrawler.txt" gau_file="gau_output" gau_output="gau.txt" crt_file="crt.txt" final_file="final.txt"
# Completion Percentage total_steps=6
function increment_progress() { ((completed_steps++)) percentage=$((completed_steps * 100 / total_steps)) echo "Progress: $percentage%" }
# Step 1: Subfinder subfinder -d "$target_domain" -all -o "$subfinder_file" > /dev/null 2>&1 increment_progress
# Step 2: Amass timeout 300s amass enum -active -d "$target_domain" -o "$amass_file" > /dev/null 2>&1 increment_progress
# Step 3: Hakrawler echo https://"$target_domain" | hakrawler | grep -oP 'https?://\S+?.com' | sed 's~https?://~~' | sort -u > "$hakrawler_file" increment_progress
# Step 4: Gau timeout 20s gau "$target_domain" > "$gau_file"
# Remove http:// or https:// prefixes from the file grep -oP "https?://\K[^/]+" "$gau_file" | sort -u > "$gau_output" increment_progress
rm "$gau_file"
# Step 5: crt.sh curl -s https://crt.sh/?q="$target_domain"\&output\=json | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/*.//g' | sort -u > "$crt_file" increment_progress
# Merge subfinder, amass, and hakrawler output into a single file cat "$subfinder_file" "$amass_file" "$crt_file" "$gau_output" "$hakrawler_file" | sort -u > "$final_file"
# Step 6: httpx httpxs -status-code -title -fc 404 -list "$final_file" > final_output.txt increment_progress
# Display the final output cat final_output.txt