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Go tools for working with Who's On First documents


This package is officially. It is still being used in other packages but they are slowly being updated.

Basically this package tries to do too many things, specifically around defining GeoJSON-related structs and interfaces. It's not really worth the effort and better to use paulmach/orb/geojson for geometry and GeoJSON-related operations and [tidwall/gjson](] for query-related operations using plain-vanilla []byte elements. This is the approach taken by the go-whosonfirst-feature package.

If you are using this package in your code it would be best to migrate it to use equivalent functionality defined in the go-whosonfirst-feature package.


The goal of this package was to replace the existing go-whosonfirst-geojson package.


Yeah, I don't really like it either but this package is basically 100% backwards incompatible with and while I don't really think anyone else is using it I don't like the idea of suddenly breaking everyone's code.

Also, it was released before Go introduced formal versioning so the (unfortunate) decision was made to use -v2 instead of /v2.


Unlike the first go-whosonfirst-geojson package this one at least attempts to define a simplified interface for working with GeoJSON features. These are still in flux.

Please finish writing me.


type Feature interface {
	Type() string
	Id() int64
	Name() string
	Placetype() string
	ToString() string
	ToBytes() []byte
	BoundingBoxes() (BoundingBoxes, error)
	Polygons() ([]Polygon, error)
	ContainsCoord(geom.Coord) (bool, error)


type BoundingBoxes interface {
	Bounds() []*geom.Rect
	MBR() geom.Rect


type Centroid interface {
	Coord() geom.Coord
	Source() string


type Polygon interface {
	ExteriorRing() geom.Polygon
	InteriorRings() []geom.Polygon
	ContainsCoord(geom.Coord) bool



import (

func main() {

	path := "/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data/data/101/736/545/101736545.geojson"
	f, err := whosonfirst.LoadFeatureFromFile(path)

	if err != nil {

	// prints "Montreal"
	log.Println("Name is ", f.Name())

See also