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MyLive Enhancements

Generating release

Use gulp release to do a full build and generate

Export MOZ=true to disable modules that are incompatible with Firefox.

Make sure the old build folder are removed first, because otherwise contents inside will be copied to the zip.

Gulp targets

  • default: build for development
  • watch: auto compile files on changes. Does not include files used in settings page
  • release: build, compress and zip release. Cleaning the build directory (rm -rf build) before running this is highly recommended.
  • build-emoji-db: update src/emojipicker/emoji.json

Developing new plugins

Each plugin are CommonJS packages located in src/. To create plugins:

  1. Create a subfolder in src/

  2. Create package.json:

        	"name": "<plugin name>",
        	"description": "<setting name>",
        	"category": "<setting category>",
        	"default_enabled": true,
        	"private": true,
        	"content_scripts": [
        			"matches": [""],
        			"js": ["content_script.js"],
        			"css": ["content_script.css"],
        			"run_at": "document_end",
        			"stop_angular": true

    Make sure "private": true is listed, the package name is the same as folder name.

  3. Create content_script.js

    import $ from 'jquery';
    import plugin from 'core/plugin';
    plugin('<plugin name>', () => {
        // plugin code goes here

    The plugin command checks whether the plugin is enabled in settings, and call the callback if it is. It also prevent multiple loading of the module.

  4. Create content_script.scss. (scss is automatically compiled to css during build step). Note that it will ALWAYS load regardless of plugin status.


<tools/chrome-manifest.js> will collect some chrome-related metadata from CommonJS package file automatically. Here are the metadata collected:

  • permissions: See permissions in Chrome docs. The hardcoded permissions are:
  • content_scripts: See content script in Chrome docs. The build script will merge items with same permissions automatically.
    • Additionally, "stop_angular": true can be listed alongside js to disable angular for that page. To resume angular execution, pass true as the third argument to plugin.

The settings page and loader also collect additional data:

  • description2 (String): Help text
  • no_disable (Boolean): Hide disable option from settings page. This is for core modules only.
  • settings (Object): Setting options. The enable/disable option is automatically generated, this is for additional options.
  • default_enabled (Boolean): Is this plugin enabled after MyLive Enhancements is installed/updated.