This is an example repo that shows some ways of integrating whylogs into ray. Ray is pretty flexible and whylogs is essentially a function that turns data into profiles so there are a lot of different ways to organize things.
You can reach out to our slack for questions or feedback.
# Using poetry
poetry install
poetry shell
# Using virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
source ./env/bin/activate
# Then run the examples.
There are two kinds of files in here: main-*
files and main-serve-*
files. The former just run some self contained example ray/whylogs code while the later use ray serve. For the serve ones, you can send data with curl once they're up and running.
# To get the current state of the whylogs profile
curl ''
# To upload the packaged csv data files.
curl '' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary @data/data1.csv