"The FMU SDK is a free software development kit provided by QTronic to demonstrate basic use of Functional Mockup Units (FMUs) as defined by "FMI for Model Exchange 1.0". The FMU SDK can also serve as starting point for developing applications that export or import FMUs."
This is a port of the Windows fmusdk 1.0.2 to Mac OS X and Linux.
- The original Windows fmusdk sources were download from
- The Linux changes was made by Michael Tiller for fmusdk1.0, see
- The Mac OS X/Linux port to fmusdk1.0.2 was done by Christopher Brooks, see
- The co-simulation master algorithm was done by Stefan Hedman, see
fmusdk requires a zip binary. The sources are configured to use 7z.
Ubuntu users: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
Other users:
- Go to and install ez7z.
- Copy the 7za binary to /usr/local/bin/7z:
sudo cp /Volumes/Ez7z\ 2.12/*/7za /usr/local/bin/7z
git clone
cd fmusdk/src
cd ..
To test run:
./fmusim_me fmu/me/bouncingBall.fmu 5 0.1 0 c
This information is from the command help pages. To view them, run one of the commands without arguments.
The following info is for co-simulation. For Model Exchange, replace "cs" with "me".
Syntax: ./bin/fmusim_cs <fmuPath> <tEnd> <h> <loggingOn> <csvSep>
<fmuPath> .... path to FMU, relative to current dir or absolute, required
<tEnd> ....... end time of simulation, optional, defaults to 1.0 sec
<h> .......... step size of simulation, optional, defaults to 0.1 sec
<loggingOn> .. 1 to activate logging, optional, defaults to 0
<csvSep> ..... separator in csv file, optional, c for , s for ; default=c
Example running an FMU from t=0..5, tEnd=5, h=0.1, log=off, separator=commas:
./bin/fmusim_cs FMU.fmu 5 0.1 0 c
To run several connected FMUS, use the following syntax. The master algorithm implemented is given by page 32 of
Syntax: ./bin/fmusim_cs_master <N> <fmuPaths> <M> <connections> <tEnd> <h> <logOn> <csvSep>
<N> ............ Number of FMUs included, required.
<fmuPaths> ..... Paths to FMUs, space-separated, relative or absolute.
<M> ............ Number of connections, defaults to 0.
<connections> .. Connections given as 4*M space-separated integers. E.g.
<fromFMU> <fromValueRef> <toFMU> <toValueRef>
<tEnd> ......... end time of simulation, optional, defaults to 1.0 sec
<h> ............ step size of simulation, optional, defaults to 0.1 sec
<logOn> ........ 1 to activate logging, optional, defaults to 0
<csvSep>........ separator in csv file, optional, c for , s for ; default=c
Note that each connection is specified with four space-separated integers.
If you have M connections, there need to be 4*M of them.
Example with 2 FMUs, 1 connection from FMU0 (value reference 0) to FMU1 (value
reference 0), tEnd=5, h=0.1, log=off, separator=commas:
./bin/fmusim_cs_master 2 fmu/cs/bouncingBall.fmu fmu/cs/bouncingBall.fmu 1 0 0 1 0 5 0.1 0 c
Example with one FMU, 2 connections from valueref 0 to 1 and 2 to 3,
tEnd=10, h=0.001, log=on, separator=semicolon:
./bin/fmusim_cs_master 1 fmu/cs/bouncingBall.fmu 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 10 0.001 1 s