Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 LTE European Version [jfltexx]
These files are here due to the work of Simon van der Veldt [] and all the SailfishOS Porters community and Mer community -> mal- in particular for assisting me in getting things to work.
I own a Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE Black Edition (GT-I9505) and recently decided to try and run SailfishOS on my device, which led me to Simon's repos, the SailfishOS HADK Guide and the #sailfishos-porters irc channel in Freenode.
I'm currently trying to make this work based on CyanogenMod 12.1 for this device and will update this README was things progress.
If you're me and decide to also go down this road - read the HADK, read the #sailfishos-porters channel archives online and hopefully between these notes and all that, you'll get it running!