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JavaScript WideSky Client

This is a simple Promise-based client for the WideSky application server.

It can be used for both backend and frontend application. See example code below on how to import it into your project. See the API documentation for the available functions.

Table Of Contents


The following section describes how the library can be used in both nodejs and browser context. For the subsequent commands to work, we assume that you already have a running Widesky instance ready to go.

Installing it

You can install the WideSky client library by executing the command from your console.

npm install @widesky/jswidesky-client --save

Importing it

The simplest way to incorporate the library into your browser is by using the <script> tag.


<script src=""></script>
  const WIDESKY_CONFIG = {
    "serverURL": "",
    "password": "abcdedfg",
    "username": "",
    "clientId": "1231231231",
    "clientSecret": "545454545445"
  const wsClient = JsWideSky.WideSkyClient.makeFromConfig(FE_CONFIG);
          .then((res) => console.log(res));

If this is for a sophisticated web application that is build on top of a framework that supports es6 then it can be added by using the import statement.


import jsWidesky from '@widesky/jswidesky-client/dist/jsWideSky.min.js';

const myClient = new jsWidesky.WideSkyClient(

For your debugging convenience, there is also a non minified version of the library, wideskyClient.js.

If this is for a NodeJS project then the following code may be used to import it.

const jsWideSky = require('@widesky/jswidesky-client');

Creating an instance of the client

An instance can be instantiated by using the WideskyClient constructor.


const { WideSkyClient } = require('@widesky/jswidesky-client');

let myClient = new WideSkyClient(

Performing an operation

Once an instance of the WideskyClient has been instantiated. The client will automatically perform authentication and maintain the WideSky access token for you. That is, you can start using it as soon as the instance is instantiated.

Querying for a list of points that are tagged with the his and kind tags, and looking up their fqname virtual tag value.

let myQuery = `{
  haystack {
    search(filter: "point and his and kind") {
      entity {
        tags(tagFilter: "fqname") {

let response = await myClient.query(myQuery);

See our documentation for more information on the WideSky query language.

WideSky query utilities

Dynamic query

This library also include some of the commonly used widesky query utilities that can used for helping you to construct dynamic queries through the use of placeholder variables.

One typical use-case for it is for example, having a widesky query that dynamically always look back 1 hour in time for data on a regular basis.

In such scenario, the $from and $to variables can be defined in the history node's range filter.


let templateQuery = `{
  haystack {
    search(filter: "site", limit: 1) {
      entity {
        search(filter: "equip", whereTag: "spaceRef", limit: 1) {
          entity {
            findElec: search(filter: "point and elec", whereTag: "equipRef", limit: 2) {
              entity {
                history(rangeAbsolute: {start: "${from}", end: "${to}"}) {
                  timeSeries {
                    dataPoints {

let myFrom = lib.graphql

let myTo = lib.graphql

let query = lib.graphql
               .timeVars(templateQuery, myFrom, myTo);

let resp = await myClient.graphql(query);

Building the library

To build a release of the project, run;

npm run build

Running tests

Without coverage

$ npm run test

With coverage

$ npm run coverage