A tool for generating simple predictive models.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
In the simplest form we can use Mimic like this:
(require '[mimic.core :as mimic :refer [with-session add! stream]])
(with-session [:example]
(add! ["using" "a" "memory" "store"]))
(stream :example) ;; => "using a memory store"
A more complicated example using Redis might look like this:
(require '[mimic.core :as mimic :refer [with-session add! stream]])
;; see Carmine for the Redis backend options
(def store (mimic.db.backends.redis/init {:pool {} :spec {:uri "redis://localhost:6379"}}))
(defmacro mimic* [& body] `(mimic/with-store store ~@body))
(mimic* (with-session [:example]
(add! ["using" "a" "redis" "store"]))
(stream :example)) ;; => "using a redis store"
Or using DynamoDB:
(require '[mimic.core :as mimic :refer [with-session add! stream]])
;; see Faraday for the DynamoDB backend options
(def store (mimic.db.backends.dynamodb/init {
;;; For DDB Local just use some random strings here, otherwise include your
;;; production IAM keys:
;;; You may optionally override the default endpoint if you'd like to use DDB
;;; Local or a different AWS Region (Ref. http://goo.gl/YmV80o), etc.:
;; :endpoint "http://localhost:8000" ; For DDB Local
;; :endpoint "http://dynamodb.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" ; For EU West 1 AWS region
(defmacro mimic* [& body] `(mimic/with-store store ~@body))
(mimic* (with-session [:example]
(add! ["using" "a" "dynamodb" "store"]))
(stream :example)) ;; => "using a dynamodb store"
Wait, but isn't this just returning what we've entered? Yesf the "predictive" bits are based on a Markov chain and require substantial input. So let's build out an even more complicated example:
(require '[mimic.core :as mimic :refer [with-session add! stream]])
(def jungle-book (clojure.string/split-lines (slurp "jungle-book.txt")))
(def dantes-inferno (clojure.string/split-lines (slurp "dantes-inferno.txt")))
(doseq [line jungle-book]
(mimic/with-session [:jungle :jungle-inferno]
(mimic/add! (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/trim line) #"\s+"))))
(doseq [line dantes-inferno]
(mimic/with-session [:dante :jungle-inferno]
(mimic/add! (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/trim line) #"\s+"))))
(stream :jungle) ;; => "listening to see what Kaa with tail with his chin."
(stream :dante) ;; => "That feeds hath fed"
(stream :jungle-inferno) ;; => "The spirit wholly; thus riveted? 'my doubts', said Billy."
So does Mimic only work on text? Yes and no. You can add any state that's serialized as a string.
(require '[mimic.core :as mimic :refer [with-session add! stream]])
(with-session [:example]
(add! ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
(stream :example) ;; => "1 2 3 4"
You can also get the next bit of info based on prior state:
(require '[mimic.core :as mimic :refer [with-session add! stream fetch]])
(with-session [:example]
(add! ["1" "2" "3" "4"]))
(fetch :example) ;; => "1"
(fetch :example "3") ;; => "4"
Mimic is copyright © 2016 W+K Lodge. It's free software and may be distributed under the Apache license.