Simple Discord bot example to run yourself
- install node.js (from
- clone this project: git clone
- cd carddealer
- run npm init (in mybot dir)
- npm install discord.js
- get bot-token from
- get OAuth2-URL (scope bot) from same site and open it in browser to invite bot
- rename .env-sample to .env and insert your bot-token
- run: node index.js or node .
- send "!scan" in any channel of your invited guild. Returns list of users
- run again !scan to get online users on the list
- run !list to show the current list of users
- run "!remove username" in case any user should not play
- run "!send A B C ..." to send the cards seperated by space or newline each user gets one card (in this order) as direct message
- run "!sendrand A B C ..." to mix the card before sending. Important when there are more cards than users.
- run !publish to show the cards of all users in the channel
- run !init to reset the userlist for the channel