Following steps are required for initialization:
libgui_memoryInitialize(); // Initialize memory management
Link the application with:
-lgui -lfreetype -lgd -lpng -ljpeg -lz -lmad -lvorbisidec -logg -lbz2
You also need to add the freetype2 nclude path to your Makefile. Example:
TODO: provide more information
To be able to use libgui, you need to install the following dependencies:
- wut
- Install the required portlibs via
(dkp-)pacman -Syu ppc-zlib ppc-libmad ppc-libogg ppc-libgd ppc-freetype ppc-libjpeg-turbo ppc-libpng ppc-libvorbisidec ppc-glm ppc-bzip2
A prebuilt version of this lib can found on dockerhub. To use it for your projects, add this to your Dockerfile.
COPY --from=wiiuenv/libgui:[tag] /artifacts $DEVKITPRO
Replace [tag] with a tag you want to use, a list of tags can be found here.
It's highly recommended to pin the version to the latest date instead of using latest
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/src wiiuenv/clang-format:13.0.0-2 -r ./source ./include -i
- Orignally based on
- Wii U port / modification / new functions / sound / much more by dimok.
- Minor changes by Maschell