Collection of Python classes and scripts to operate with MariaDB servers.
Some dependencies are required in order to run the scripts and the tests. The easiest way to work is by using a virtualenv:
tox --notest
tox -e py3-venv -- <some command>
Tests are located under wmfmariadbpy/test. They are split between unit and integration tests. To run unit tests:
tox -e py3-unit
- docker (and be in the
group) mysql
(client binary)pt-online-schema-change
On a debian/ubuntu system, this should install the required packages:
sudo apt install mariadb-client percona-toolkit
# You'll need to relog after this:
sudo usermod -a -G docker $LOGNAME
tox -e py3-integration
If it ever ends up in a broken state:
tox -e py3-integration_env stop
To run the unit and integration tests and generate a HTML coverage report under cover/
tox -e py3-cover
To check the code style compliance:
tox -e py3-flake8
To check if the formatters would make changes:
tox -e py3-format
tox -e py3-reformat