An ATC simulator in HTML5. Visit to begin playing now!
Prerequisites: In order to successfully complete this quick start, you will need to have the following installed locally:
Installation directions are beyond the scope of this document. Instead, search the Google. Installing these two packages has been written about ad-nauseum.
From a terminal (or GitBash for Windows users), run the following commands:
git clone
cd openscope
npm install
npm run build
npm run server
Once that finishes doing its thing, you should see something close to the following in the terminal:
> node ./public/assets/scripts/server/index.js
Listening on PORT 3003
You you do not see this message and are having trouble getting set up, please join us on Slack and someone will be able to troubleshoot with you.
For more information on the available tools, please view the Tools Readme.
We use the GitFlow Branching Model for managing branches. If you would like to contribute, you will be expected to use appropriate branch names based on this methodology (and we can help if you have questions).
Don't know Javascript? That's cool, we're always looking for beta testers and/or airport contributors. If you would like to add a new airport, or help update existing airports, please read the Airport Documentation to get up to speed on what is expected in that file.
Please join us on our Slack Channel if you have questions, comments or would like to contribute. We can then add you to the organization so you can begin committing to this repo.
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