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Interactive 3D Portfolio Overview This is an immersive, interactive 3D portfolio showcasing my professional journey, projects, and background. Built using Three.js and Rapier physics engine, the portfolio allows users to navigate a 3D environment and explore interactive information portals.


3D Character Navigation: Move through a custom-designed 3D environment Interactive Portals: Click or walk into portals to reveal detailed information Dynamic Lighting: Engaging visual experience with advanced lighting techniques Responsive Design: Optimized for various screen sizes and devices

Technologies Used

Three.js Rapier Physics Engine Vite Zustand (State Management) Tweakpane (UI Debugging)


Node.js (v14 or later) npm or yarn


Clone the repository: bashCopygit clone cd threejs-portfolio

Install dependencies: bashCopynpm install

Running the Project

Development mode: bashCopynpm run dev

Build for production: bashCopynpm run build

Preview production build: bashCopynpm run preview

Project Structure

src/: Source code directory public/: Static assets package.json: Project dependencies and scripts

Portals Content The portfolio includes three main portals:

Welcome Portal: Personal introduction and professional overview Professional Journey: Work history and career progression Featured Projects: Showcase of key development projects

Customization To modify portal content, edit the portalData array in the main script. Each portal includes:

Position in 3D space Title Detailed description Custom color

Performance Optimization

Utilizes Vite for fast development and build processes Implements top-level await and WASM support Efficient 3D rendering with Three.js

Future Improvements

Responsive mobile controls Additional interactive elements Enhanced performance optimizations

License MIT Contact William Curry

GitHub: @willhcurry


Three.js Community Rapier Physics Engine Vite Build Tool


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