- flask
- echarts
- bootstrap
- font awesome
- gunicorn
- First you need to install python(3.6 or above) and python virtual environment and create your own virtural environment (e.g. venv) under the project folder by typing "$ python -m venv venv".
- Activate virtual environment by: Open the project folder in terminal, type"$ source ./venv/bin/activate". You may also do this via Python Ides(e.g. pycharm) by configging the interpreter as venv and the python inside the folder.
- If you activated your virtual environment successfully, your will see "(venv)" in your command line
- Dependencies in a virtual environment can be exported: $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Dependencies can be installed into a virtual environment: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have your virtual environment activated
Install dependencies into your virtual environment
You can run server by typing:"$ python math-server.py" and open the link "" in your browser
Use "ctrl+c" to stop the server and use "$ deactivate" to quit virtual environment
Make sure you have your virtual environment activated
Install dependencies into your virtual environment
Run server in background: $ gunicorn math-server:app -p math-server.pid -b "your ip":"your port" -D
See the pid of your server: $ cat math-server.pid
Shutdown your server: $ kill "pid of your server"