Course Webpage for CS357 Algorithmic Game Theory (Spring 2022)
- Welcome and Introduction
- Game Theory I
- Game Theory 2/PoA and Network Games
- Introduction to Auctions 1
- Second price auction and DSIC
- Sponsored-search auctions
- Myerson's Lemma for DSIC auctions
- Homework 2 on Auctions
- Read paper on first-price auctions in sponsored search
- Sponsored Search Auctions GSP vs VCG
- Algorithmic Mechanism Design and Revelation principle
- Incomplete Information Settings
- Revenue and eBay Auctions
- Homework 3 on sponsored search auctions
- Bayes Nash, First Price Auctions
- Myerson's Lemma and Revenue equivalence
- Decentralized Markets and Competitive Equilibrium
- Stable Matchings 1
- Stable Matchings 2
- Top-trading Cycles and Kidney Exchange
- Voting 1
- Voting 2
- Sequential Games and SPE
- Repeated Games and BitTorrent
- PoA and Scheduling Games
- BGP Routing
- Spectrum Auctions
- Incentives in Blockchains
- Wrap Up