A scratchpad to explore testing blur in a cluster environment.
The goal is for the project to contain two types of capability: 1) Some tooling for creating dynamic clusters in the cloud - standing up and tearing down; and 2) Some tooling for measuring performance at scale including querying, incremental indexing, etc. Well, that's the goal anyway...
The current idea is to create images with Packer.io and create the instances with libcloud.
Create a text file ~/.bokeh containing your Digital Ocean credentials:
DO_CLIENT_ID=<your client id>
DO_CLIENT_KEY=<your client key>
Create an image with ssh keys installed:
cd src/main/shell/
At the very end of the output you'll find the packerid to be used to start up the droplets below, e.g 'packer-1413245058' below:
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> digitalocean: A snapshot was created: 'packer-1413245058' in region 'New York 2'
You can find your API credentials by logging into digital ocean and going here [https://cloud.digitalocean.com/api_access].
Note: The project is designed to create an ephemeral cluster to support testing, so it overwrites previous ssh ssh keys in the ./target directory. If you have previous images you want to continue to use, you'll need to manually mv that .ssh directory out of target.
To startup the image with libcloud:
cd src/main/libcloud
python libcloudtest.py -k your_digital_ocean_key_here -i your_digital_ocean_clientid_here -p <packer_image_name>
For debugging, to ssh to your droplet:
ssh -i ../../../target/.ssh/id_rsa -l blur -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" blur@<ip_addr> free
I've found Tugboat essential for goofing around with this stuff too. For example, to get the IP address of your new droplet:
tugboat droplets | grep libcloud
- Change droplet creation to prefix/suffix all droplets with a test id (e.g. timestamp)
- Create the running droplet from the bokeh script
- Install full Hadoop stack on Blur image
- Either create a separate image for ZK or figure out a subset (e.g. first 3) to install quorum on.
- Gather all test IPs and generate shards/controllers files and push them up
- Gather ZK IPs and push updates to blur-site.properties
- ?Make one instance publicly addressable and the rest on private IPs?
- ...
Everything is executed as individual commands for now. Once we know exactly how we want to orchestrate things we'll wrap it with a proper driver script.