If you're here from stalking me on Advent of Code, here's all my solutions: https://git.sr.ht/~williewillus/advent_of_code
Please see my website here for more about me and extra content I'd like to share.
Many of my projects are not hosted in GitHub and instead live on SourceHut, a code forge built on open source and standard technologies. The social gamification of GitHub, as well the increasing centralization of what is supposed to be a distributed version control system has grown off-putting to me.
See https://www.vincent-lee.net/about_me/#projects for a list of projects and links to their canonical repositories.
If there is a special need for a project to be hosted here, let me know and I will set it up to be mirrored from wherever its upstream is.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy!
Identity/trust verification. I also control:
- @williewillus:matrix.org