I built a hardware controller for Open Broadcaster Software
The controller has broadcast buttons which have two LEDs inside in my case green and red
If your activate both LEDs the color turns yellow
I use 4 shiftregisters of the type SN74HC595N to controll the leds with only 3 digital pins of the arduino leonardo
The other pins are used to detect keypresses
If a button is pressed the arduino sends a keycommand to the computer
The keycombinations are set to trigger scenes or transitions in obs and to start/stop the stream and recording
The LEDs reflect which scene is currently live and which is on preview
Theres no APi in OBS so changes that are made in obs without the controller are not visible on the controller
Feel free to use the code and contact me if you have any questions (english/german)
Also check out the company that inspired this build -> SKAARHOJ http://skaarhoj.com