App to allow you to easily share e-business cards at events using QR codes. Completed in 8 days using agile methods as a part of Makers course.
- Ruby / Rails (backend language / framework)
- jQuery / JavaScript (frontend code)
- jsQR (library for reading QR codes)
- rQRcode (ruby QR encoding library)
- PostgreSQL, DatabaseCleaner (database)
- Google Calendar API (for events data)
- Google Maps API (for location presentation)
- Heroku (deployment)
- Bootstrap (frontend styles)
- Rspec, Capybara, FactoryBot (testing)
First, clone this repository. Then:
> bundle install
> rails db:create
> rails db:migrate
> bundle exec rspec # Run the tests to ensure it works
> rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000
You'll need a google OAuth client ID and client secret ID and place these in environment variables: 'GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID' and 'GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET' (example instructions found here
- User signup / signin
- Adding business cards by scanning QR code
- User can see a list of business cards
- User can see their profile/card
- User can edit their profile/card
User has to sign in to use the app
User profile
- user can see their own profile page that includes
- information
- profile picture
- user can edit their own profile
- user can see their own profile page that includes
- user can connect to Google Calendar
- user can choose an event from the list of their Google Calendar events
- user can set 'other' event
- chosen event appears on the Home page
- user can allow browser to access their Location
- location is saved when adding a card
Business cards
- user can scan scan a QR code to add a card
- added cards appear in Business cards page
- user can search cards by name
- user can view associates' profile that includes:
- associate's information
- associate's profile image
- event they met at
- map showing location they met at
- user can send a message
- user can remove a card
- user can see messages they sent
- user can see messages they received