Max Polzin
This project uses DarkNet's YOLOv3, OpenCV, and the Intel RealSense SDK to perform object detection, localization and mapping of semantic data.
- Unzip the provided file called "" OR visit and clone the repository
- Install Python 3.8.5 and Pip 20.0.2 or greater
- Install the Intel RealSense SDK Python wrapper with the following command: "pip install pyrealsense2"
- Install the following libraries:
- numpy 1.20.2
- matplotlib 3.4.1
- openCV 4.5.2
- Clone the official Darknet YOLOv3 repository found at:
Follow the instructions provided in the following link to build the library:
- The MakeFile parameters used are all default except for as follows:
- GPU=1
- DEBUG=0 Once completed the desired weights (e.g. "yolov3-tiny.weights") should be moved into the ./model/weights folder and the compiled library "" should be placed in the ./model folder.
Alternatly the weights provided in this repository and the compiled "" can be used if this code is being run on a CUDA enabled GPU. Note this will only work on a Unix machine, as "" wont run on Windows.
- Open a terminal and cd into the "SemanticMapLabels" folder.
- Run: "python"
This will generate a 2D plot representing the environment captured by the stereo camera with annotated labels of the detected objects. - Run: "python"
This will access the computers webcam, if available, and perform objection detection while also ????????
- Main script needed, allows for both object detection and mapping using the Inteal RealSense D435i stereo camera
- Test object detection on a single image, feed it a input image from ./models/data
- Test object detection with a webcam
- Test object detection with a webcam, uses a structure more similar to that of the main "" script
models: Folder to contain everything related to the ML models
- weights: Folder to contain pre-trained weights for YOLOv3 Network
- yolov3-tiny.weights: Pre-trained wegihts
- data: Folder to contain and labels or datasets to be used
- dog.jpg: Test image for ""
- coco.names: Contains all the labels from the COCO Dataset
- cfg: Folder to contain all config files for networks used
- Config paramters for COCO Dataset
- Pre-compiled Darknet library using YOLOv3 and trained on ????
- weights: Folder to contain pre-trained weights for YOLOv3 Network