An interactive COVID-19 data dashboard that plots the derivative of key metrics.
See the published site at
- The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic
- The New York Times Coronavirus U.S. Tracker (see their GitHub for more details)
- COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (for locale data)
git clone
cd covid-dashboard
cp debug.env .env
# Python 3 Dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # I recommend doing this in a virtualenv.
# Node.js Dependencies
cd src/covid_dashboard
npm install -g ember-cli
npm install
This project requires two processes to be running for development; a flask dev server for the backend and an ember-cli dev server for the frontend.
cd covid-dashboard
flask run # Starts backend at http://localhost:5000
cd covid-dashboard/src/covid_dashboard
ember serve --proxy http://localhost:5000 # Start frontend dev server at http://localhost:4200 while proxying api requests to the backend.
Once both of those are running, the site should be accessible at http://localhost:4200. The dev servers will automatically reload files as they change.
This project is designed to be deployed using Docker Compose. Simply run
git clone
cd covid-dashboard
docker-compose up --build -d
to deploy. That will run the site at http://localhost:1337. To update, run
cd covid-dashboard
git pull
docker-compose up --build -d