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/ javap Public

my java class parser to parse classfile. In fact, it's a component of my wind_jvm.

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My .class file parser tool javap

Imitate java command tool javap -p -verbose.


git clone
cd javap
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..

FYI, we can accept one another argument. For example, ./javap IA.class, the program argument of which is inside the build folder after running the above-mentioned build commands.


  • Example:
// simple example

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import java.util.*;

@interface IA{


@interface IB{
	String name() default "ha";

@interface IC{
	IA a();
	IB[] b();
	String name() default "hh";
	int age() default 32;

@interface ID{

@interface IE{


@interface IF{

@interface IG{


@interface IH{

@interface II{


@interface IJ{


@interface IK{

@interface IL{}

@interface IM{}

@Target(ElementType.PACKAGE)		// package-info.class 所用。详见:
@interface IN{}

class Enum{}
interface Interface{}

public class Annotations <@IG T> extends @IG Enum implements @IG Interface{		// CLASS_EXTENDS

	Annotations() {}

	@IB(name = "ha")
	@IC(name = "ok", a = @IA, b = { @IB(name = "a"), @IB(name = "b"), @IB()})
	int i;

	@IB(name = "ha")
	@IC(name = "ok", a = @IA, b = { @IB(name = "a"), @IB(name = "b"), @IB()})
	<@IF @IG @IJ T extends @IG ArrayList<@IG T>>
	@IF @IG T check(@ID @IE @IF @IG T in) throws @IG RuntimeException { 
			@IA @IK String i = "haha";
			System.out.println(i instanceof @IF String);
			int j = 0;
			System.out.println((@IF char)j);
			String @IG [] ss = new String[3];
			@IG String[] sss = new String[3];
			@IG ArrayList<@IG String> a = new ArrayList<>();
			throw new @IG ClassNotFoundException();
		} catch (@IG RuntimeException | @IG ClassNotFoundException g) {

		return in;
  • Result: ./myjavap
(DEBUG) cafebabe 0 52 80
(DEBUG) constpool_size: 80
(DEBUG) #   1 = Methodref             #15.#58
(DEBUG) #   2 = String                #59
(DEBUG) #   3 = Fieldref              #60.#61
(DEBUG) #   4 = Class                 #62
(DEBUG) #   5 = Methodref             #63.#64
(DEBUG) #   6 = Methodref             #63.#65
(DEBUG) #   7 = Class                 #62
(DEBUG) #   8 = Class                 #66
(DEBUG) #   9 = Methodref             #8.#58
(DEBUG) #  10 = Class                 #67
(DEBUG) #  11 = Methodref             #10.#58
(DEBUG) #  12 = Class                 #68
(DEBUG) #  13 = Class                 #67
(DEBUG) #  14 = Class                 #69
(DEBUG) #  15 = Class                 #70
(DEBUG) #  16 = Class                 #71
(DEBUG) #  17 = Utf8                  i
(DEBUG) #  18 = Utf8                  I
(DEBUG) #  19 = Utf8                  RuntimeVisibleAnnotations
(DEBUG) #  20 = Utf8                  LIA;
(DEBUG) #  21 = Utf8                  RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations
(DEBUG) #  22 = Utf8                  LIB;
(DEBUG) #  23 = Utf8                  name
(DEBUG) #  24 = Utf8                  ha
(DEBUG) #  25 = Utf8                  LIC;
(DEBUG) #  26 = Utf8                  ok
(DEBUG) #  27 = Utf8                  a
(DEBUG) #  28 = Utf8                  b
(DEBUG) #  29 = Utf8                  <init>
(DEBUG) #  30 = Utf8                  ()V
(DEBUG) #  31 = Utf8                  Code
(DEBUG) #  32 = Utf8                  LineNumberTable
(DEBUG) #  33 = Utf8                  LIM;
(DEBUG) #  34 = Utf8                  check
(DEBUG) #  35 = Utf8                  (Ljava/util/ArrayList;)Ljava/util/ArrayList;
(DEBUG) #  36 = Utf8                  StackMapTable
(DEBUG) #  37 = Class                 #72
(DEBUG) #  38 = Utf8                  RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations
(DEBUG) #  39 = Utf8                  LIG;
(DEBUG) #  40 = Utf8                  RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations
(DEBUG) #  41 = Utf8                  LIF;
(DEBUG) #  42 = Utf8                  Exceptions
(DEBUG) #  43 = Class                 #68
(DEBUG) #  44 = Utf8                  MethodParameters
(DEBUG) #  45 = Utf8                  in
(DEBUG) #  46 = Utf8                  Signature
(DEBUG) #  47 = Utf8                  <T:Ljava/util/ArrayList<TT;>;>(TT;)TT;
(DEBUG) #  48 = Utf8                  LIJ;
(DEBUG) #  49 = Utf8                  RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations
(DEBUG) #  50 = Utf8                  LIE;
(DEBUG) #  51 = Utf8                  RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations
(DEBUG) #  52 = Utf8                  LID;
(DEBUG) #  53 = Utf8                  <T:Ljava/lang/Object;>LEnum;LInterface;
(DEBUG) #  54 = Utf8                  SourceFile
(DEBUG) #  55 = Utf8        
(DEBUG) #  56 = Utf8                  LIH;
(DEBUG) #  57 = Utf8                  LII;
(DEBUG) #  58 = NameAndType           #29.#30
(DEBUG) #  59 = Utf8                  haha
(DEBUG) #  60 = Class                 #73
(DEBUG) #  61 = NameAndType           #74.#75
(DEBUG) #  62 = Utf8                  java/lang/String
(DEBUG) #  63 = Class                 #76
(DEBUG) #  64 = NameAndType           #77.#78
(DEBUG) #  65 = NameAndType           #77.#79
(DEBUG) #  66 = Utf8                  java/util/ArrayList
(DEBUG) #  67 = Utf8                  java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
(DEBUG) #  68 = Utf8                  java/lang/RuntimeException
(DEBUG) #  69 = Utf8                  Annotations
(DEBUG) #  70 = Utf8                  Enum
(DEBUG) #  71 = Utf8                  Interface
(DEBUG) #  72 = Utf8                  java/lang/Exception
(DEBUG) #  73 = Utf8                  java/lang/System
(DEBUG) #  74 = Utf8                  out
(DEBUG) #  75 = Utf8                  Ljava/io/PrintStream;
(DEBUG) #  76 = Utf8                  java/io/PrintStream
(DEBUG) #  77 = Utf8                  println
(DEBUG) #  78 = Utf8                  (Z)V
(DEBUG) #  79 = Utf8                  (C)V
(DEBUG) ----------------- (Annotations) static constant_pool over --------------------
(DEBUG) access_flags: 33  this_class: #14  super_class: #15
(DEBUG) Interfaces: 16 
(DEBUG) field_info_size: 1
(DEBUG) i;
(DEBUG)   descriptor: I
(DEBUG)   flags: 
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #20()
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #22(#23=s#24)
(DEBUG)     1: #25(#23=s#26,#27=@#20(),#28=[@#22(#23=s#27),@#22(#23=s#28),@#22()])
(DEBUG) method_number: 2
(DEBUG) <init>;
(DEBUG)   descriptor: ()V
(DEBUG)   flags: 
(DEBUG)   Code: 
(DEBUG)     stack=1, locals=1
(DEBUG)       0: aload_0        
(DEBUG)       1: invokespecial  
(DEBUG)       4: return         
(DEBUG)     LineNumberTable:
(DEBUG)       line:   91, start_pc: 0   
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #33()
(DEBUG)  throws java/lang/RuntimeException check;
(DEBUG)   descriptor: (Ljava/util/ArrayList;)Ljava/util/ArrayList;
(DEBUG)   flags: 
(DEBUG)   Code: 
(DEBUG)     stack=2, locals=7
(DEBUG)       0: ldc            
(DEBUG)       2: astore_2       
(DEBUG)       3: getstatic       #3
(DEBUG)       6: aload_2        
(DEBUG)       7: instanceof     
(DEBUG)      10: invokevirtual  
(DEBUG)      13: iconst_0       
(DEBUG)      14: istore_3       
(DEBUG)      15: getstatic       #3
(DEBUG)      18: iload_3        
(DEBUG)      19: i2c            
(DEBUG)      20: invokevirtual  
(DEBUG)      23: iconst_3       
(DEBUG)      24: anewarray      
(DEBUG)      27: astore         
(DEBUG)      29: iconst_3       
(DEBUG)      30: anewarray      
(DEBUG)      33: astore         
(DEBUG)      35: new            
(DEBUG)      38: dup            
(DEBUG)      39: invokespecial  
(DEBUG)      42: astore         
(DEBUG)      44: new            
(DEBUG)      47: dup            
(DEBUG)      48: invokespecial  
(DEBUG)      51: athrow         
(DEBUG)      52: astore_2       
(DEBUG)      53: aload_1        
(DEBUG)      54: areturn        
(DEBUG)     Exception Table:
(DEBUG)        from      to  target    type
(DEBUG)           0      52      52      12
(DEBUG)           0      52      52      13
(DEBUG)     LineNumberTable:
(DEBUG)       line:  105, start_pc: 0   
(DEBUG)       line:  106, start_pc: 3   
(DEBUG)       line:  107, start_pc: 13  
(DEBUG)       line:  108, start_pc: 15  
(DEBUG)       line:  109, start_pc: 23  
(DEBUG)       line:  110, start_pc: 29  
(DEBUG)       line:  111, start_pc: 35  
(DEBUG)       line:  112, start_pc: 44  
(DEBUG)       line:  113, start_pc: 52  
(DEBUG)       line:  116, start_pc: 53  
(DEBUG)     StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 1
(DEBUG)       frame_type = 116  /* stack_item */
(DEBUG)         locals = [java/lang/Exception]
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 44 0: [offset_target] #2c
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 40 1: [localvar_target] 
(DEBUG)       index: 4, start_pc: 1d, length: 17
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 40 2: [localvar_target] 
(DEBUG)       index: 5, start_pc: 23, length: 11
(DEBUG)     type_path_kind: 0; type_argument_index: 0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 40 3: [localvar_target] 
(DEBUG)       index: 6, start_pc: 2c, length: 8
(DEBUG)     type_path_kind: 3; type_argument_index: 0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 40 4: [localvar_target] 
(DEBUG)       index: 6, start_pc: 2c, length: 8
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 42 5: [catch_target] #0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 42 6: [catch_target] #0
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleTypeAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     #41()
(DEBUG)     tag == 43 0: [offset_target] #6
(DEBUG)     #41()
(DEBUG)     tag == 47 1: [type_argument_target] #12 #0
(DEBUG)   Exceptions: 
(DEBUG)     throws java/lang/RuntimeException 
(DEBUG)  MethodParameters:
(DEBUG)    in 
(DEBUG)   Signature: #47 <T:Ljava/util/ArrayList<TT;>;>(TT;)TT;
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #20()
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #22(#23=s#24)
(DEBUG)     1: #25(#23=s#26,#27=@#20(),#28=[@#22(#23=s#27),@#22(#23=s#28),@#22()])
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 1 0: [type_parameter_target] #0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 12 1: [type_parameter_bound_target] #0 #0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 12 2: [type_parameter_bound_target] #0 #0
(DEBUG)     type_path_kind: 3; type_argument_index: 0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 17 3: [throws_target] #0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 14 4: [empty_target]
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 16 5: [formal_parameter_target] #0
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleTypeAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     #41()
(DEBUG)     tag == 1 0: [type_parameter_target] #0
(DEBUG)     #48()
(DEBUG)     tag == 1 1: [type_parameter_target] #0
(DEBUG)     #41()
(DEBUG)     tag == 14 2: [empty_target]
(DEBUG)     #41()
(DEBUG)     tag == 16 3: [formal_parameter_target] #0
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #50()
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleParameterAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #52()
(DEBUG) attribute_number: 5
(DEBUG)   Signature: #53 <T:Ljava/lang/Object;>LEnum;LInterface;
(DEBUG) SourceFile: ""
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #56()
(DEBUG)   RuntimeInisibleAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     0: #57()
(DEBUG)   RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 10 0: [supertype_target] #ffff
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 10 1: [supertype_target] #0
(DEBUG)     #39()
(DEBUG)     tag == 0 2: [type_parameter_target] #0


my java class parser to parse classfile. In fact, it's a component of my wind_jvm.






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