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Guiguts - an application to support creation of ebooks for PG

If you want to use Guiguts for PPing, rather than to develop the code, see below for User Installation Notes.

Common Development Setup

  1. Install Python & Poetry, clone the repo and create a virtual environment, using the OS-specific instructions below.
  2. After following the OS-specific instructions, in the cloned GG2 directory, install the GG2 python dependencies in the virtual environment. This will install GG2 as an editable package that you can develop and run directly.
    poetry install
    If additional dependencies are added to GG2, or you use pyenv to switch to a new version of python, you will need to re-run this command.
  3. You can then run GG2 directly with poetry run guiguts.

An alternative to poetry run is to enable your shell to use the poetry environment. How to accomplish this differs depending which version of Poetry you're using (which you can see by running poetry --version):

For Poetry 1, you can start a virtual environment shell with poetry shell, then run GG2 with guiguts.

In Poetry 2, the shell command has been removed; instead, activate the virtual environment with eval $(poetry env activate). Once activated, you can run GG2 using guiguts. To deactivate the environment and return to your base environment, either exit the shell or run deactivate.

Windows Development Setup

Install Python

Single (system-wide) version

  1. Download Python 3.11 from
  2. Install – default dir is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311
  3. Ensure this dir is in PATH variable

Using pyenv to install/use multiple Python versions

pyenv lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python, if that would be useful for development/testing.

  1. Clone the pyenv-win repo: git clone "$HOME\.pyenv"
  2. Add environment variables (can execute these in a Powershell window):
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PYENV',$env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\","User")
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PYENV_ROOT',$env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\","User")
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PYENV_HOME',$env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\","User")
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('path', $env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\bin;" + $env:USERPROFILE + "\.pyenv\pyenv-win\shims;" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('path', "User"),"User")
  3. In a new shell, install version(s) of Python, e.g. pyenv install 3.11.7, pyenv install 3.12.0, etc.
  4. To set python version, use pyenv global 3.11.7, for example.

Install Poetry

  2. (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
  3. Installs into C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming
  4. Adds top-level “poetry” wrapper in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts
  5. Ensure the latter is in PATH variable

Clone the GG2 repo

Either clone the GG2 Github repo or a fork thereof.

Create virtual environment

In the cloned GG2 directory, create a virtual environment using a version of python you installed above.

  • Single python version (in git bash shell)
    poetry env use ~/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311/python.exe
  • If using pyenv (in git bash shell)
    poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python true

macOS Development Setup

Developing Guiguts on macOS requires installing Homebrew first.

Install Python

Install python and python-tk using Homebrew. Note that we install and use a specific version in the commands below for consistency with other developers.

brew install python@3.11 python-tk@3.11

Install Poetry

We also install poetry using Homebrew.

brew install poetry

Clone the GG2 repo

Either clone the GG2 Github repo or a fork thereof.

Create virtual environment

In the cloned GG2 directory, create a virtual environment using a version of python you installed above.

poetry env use $(brew --prefix)/bin/python3.11

Linux Development Setup

  1. Install Python, Poetry, etc.
    • Example from Ubuntu 22.04 -- adapt to your own Linux distro
      sudo apt install python3.11 python3-pip python3-tk idle-python3.11 git
      sudo python3.11 -m pip install poetry
      ## Test that Tk will work
      python3.11 -m tkinter
    • The last line above tests that Tk is working with Python. It should open a small window on your screen. Click the Click me! button to test mouse clicks, and QUIT to close the window, ending the test.
  2. Clone the GG2 Github repo or a fork thereof.
  3. In the cloned GG2 directory, create a virtual environment using a version of python you installed above.
    poetry env use $(which python3.11)

Code style

Guiguts 2 uses flake8 and pylint for static code analysis, and black for consistent styling. All use default settings, with the exception of maximum line length checking which is adjusted in the recommended manner (using the .flake8 file and the tool.pylint section of pyproject.toml) to avoid conflicts with black.

All of the above tools will be installed via poetry as described above.

poetry run flake8 . will check all src & tests python files.

poetry run pylint --recursive y . will check all src & tests python files.

poetry run black . will reformat all src & tests python files where necessary.

This project uses Github Actions to ensure none of the above tools report any error.

Naming conventions from PEP8 are used. To summarize, class names use CapWords; constants are ALL_UPPERCASE; most other variables, functions and methods are all_lowercase.


Google-style docstrings are used to document modules, classes, functions, etc.

Sphinx will be installed by poetry (above) and can be used to create HTML documentation by running the following command:

poetry run python -m sphinx -b html docs docs/build`

HTML docs will appear in the docs/build directory.

Sphinx can also be used to check coverage, i.e. that docstrings have been used everywhere appropriate:

poetry run python -m sphinx -M coverage docs docs/build`

This project uses Github Actions to ensure running sphinx does not report an error, and that the coverage check does not report any undocumented items.

Type checking

Mypy will be installed by poetry (above) and is used for static type checking. Where developers have added type hints, mypy will issue warnings when those types are used incorrectly.

It is not intended that every variable should have its type annotated, but developers are encouraged to add type hints to function definitions, e.g.

def myfunc(num: int) -> str:

Note that functions without type annotation will not be type checked. The type hints cheat sheet has a summary of how to use type annotations for various common situations.

To type check the Guiguts package and the test routines:

poetry run mypy -p guiguts
poetry run mypy tests


Pytest will be installed by poetry (above) and is used for testing.

All tests can be run using the following command: poetry run pytest

Developers are encouraged to add tests (as appropriate) when new code is added to the project.

This project uses Github Actions to ensure running pytest does not report an error.

Editor / IDE additional notes

Visual Studio Code

Several debugger configs are provided:

  • "Guiguts"
    • Run Guiguts with debug output enabled
  • "Guiguts (most recent file)"
    • Run Guiguts with debug output enabled
    • Open the most recently opened file
  • "Guiguts (no debug output)"
    • Run Guiguts without debug output
  • "Guiguts (use default settings)"
    • Run Guiguts with --nohome to not load your settings file
    • Therefore all settings should be reset to their defaults

Requirement: Python Debugger extension

Use the "Python: Select Interpreter" command to choose the appropriate Python environment. Your Poetry config should be detected and available to choose. If the Poetry config is not auto-detected, use poetry env info -e in the shell to find the Poetry-configured python interpreter. Then in the "Python: Select Interpreter" command, choose "Enter interpreter path..." and paste the full path to the python executable.

User Installation Notes

This section contains notes from users who have installed Guiguts 2 on various platforms to use for PPing. If you are a developer, you probably want the Development Installation Notes.

Note that although the developers' installation notes specify Python 3.11, Guiguts 2 also works with version 3.12 if that is more convenient


  1. Install Python 3.11 or 3.12 from if you haven't already done that.
  2. Type pip install guiguts (or pip install guiguts --upgrade to upgrade from a previous version of GG2).
  3. Type guiguts to run GG2.


  1. Install python 3.11 or 3.12 and python-tk using Homebrew if you don't already have it. For example:
brew install python@3.11 python-tk@3.11
  1. Type pip install guiguts (or pip install guiguts --upgrade to upgrade from a previous version of GG2).
  2. Type guiguts to run GG2.


  1. Ensure you have Python 3.11 or 3.12 installed. See Linux development instructions above if necessary.
  2. Type pip install guiguts (or pip install guiguts --upgrade to upgrade from a previous version of GG2).
  3. Type guiguts to run GG2.

Chromebook (after enabling Linux)

Check you have python3:

python3 --version

If not:

sudo apt install python3

Next, check you have pip:

python3 -m pip --version

If not:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Now try this command:

python3 -m pip install guiguts

You might come across this error:

error: externally-managed-environment

× This environment is externally managed
╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
    python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to

    If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package,
    create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv.
    Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make
    sure you have python3-full installed.

    If you wish to install a non-Debian packaged Python application,
    it may be easiest to use pipx install xyz, which will manage a
    virtual environment for you. Make sure you have pipx installed.

    See /usr/share/doc/python3.11/README.venv for more information.

Let's go with the third option, and see if you have pipx:

pipx install guiguts

If you get this error:

-bash: pipx: command not found

You need to install pipx:

sudo apt install pipx

Then run this command before you install anything using pipx:

pipx ensurepath

Open a new terminal or re-login and try this command:

pipx install --include-deps guiguts

If you get an error saying no IdleLib module could be found:

sudo apt-get install python3-Tk
sudo apt-get install idle3

Now try the install command again:

pipx install --include-deps guiguts

You'll need to use this command to open GG2 each time:

pipx run guiguts

To update, you can use:

pipx upgrade guiguts



Copyright Contributors to the Guiguts-py project

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


Guiguts rewrite using Python/tkinter







No packages published


  • Python 85.2%
  • Tcl 14.8%