The Android SDK supports: Android API level 21 onwards
Add below Maven dependency in your project.
implementation 'com.vwo.sdk:vwo-fme-android-sdk:<latestVersion>'
Latest version of SDK can be found in Maven repository
import com.vwo.VWO
import com.vwo.interfaces.IVwoInitCallback
import com.vwo.models.user.GetFlag
import com.vwo.models.user.VWOContext
import com.vwo.models.user.VWOInitOptions
// Initialize VWO SDK
val vwoInitOptions = VWOInitOptions()
// Set SDK Key and Account ID
vwoInitOptions.sdkKey = SDK_KEY
vwoInitOptions.accountId = ACCOUNT_ID
// Create VWO instance with the vwoInitOptions
VWO.init(vwoInitOptions, object : IVwoInitCallback {
override fun vwoInitSuccess(vwo: VWO, message: String) {
Log.d("Vwo", "vwoInitSuccess $message")
// Create VWOContext object
var userContext = VWOContext()
// Set User ID = "unique_user_id"
userContext.customVariables = mutableMapOf("key1" to 21, "key2" to 0)
// Get the GetFlag object for the feature key and context
featureFlag = vwo.getFlag("feature_flag_name", userContext)
// Get the flag value
val isFeatureFlagEnabled = featureFlag?.isEnabled
// Get the variable value for the given variable key and default value
val variable1 = featureFlag.getVariable("feature_flag_variable1", "default-value1")
// Track the event for the given event name and context
val properties = mutableMapOf<String, Any>("cartvalue" to 10)
vwo.trackEvent("vwoevent", userContext, properties)
// send attributes data
vwo.setAttribute("attribute-name", "attribute-value1", userContext)
override fun vwoInitFailed(message: String) {
Log.d("Vwo", "vwoInitFailed: $message")
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