This repository contains tools for detecting/classifying flaky tests.
The main script is located in scripts/docker/
To use the script, you will need a csv
file containing the GitHub URL and SHA that you wish to run iDFlakies on, one per line.
For example:,3393c5ee3440a48d5e7cec04bb6e2f0da532ba51
Once you have created the csv file, you can simply run:
bash <path to csv> <round num> <timeout (seconds)>
The output is explained in depth in scripts/
If you use iDFlakies, please cite our corresponding ICST paper:
author = {Lam, Wing and Oei, Reed and Shi, August and Marinov, Darko and Xie, Tao},
title = {{iDFlakies}: {A} Framework for Detecting and Partially Classifying Flaky Tests},
booktitle = {12th {IEEE} Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification, {ICST} 2019, Xi'an, China, April 22-27, 2019},
pages = {312--322},
year = {2019},