A website for a team to vote for specific topics simultaneously.
- React (Typescript)
- Java Spring Boot
- WebSocket
- Docker
- Redis
- Docker Container with MySQL & Redis
cd docker
docker-compose up --build
- Frontend - React
cd frontend
npm install
npm run
- Backend - Java Spring Boot
IntelliJ IDEA: File -> New -> Project From Existing Sources...
Choose the pom.xml in backend folder
Build & Run
- Login website using the following accounts:
Name Password Name Role
tech_lead@gmail.com 123456 Tech Lead Tech Lead
developer1@gmail.com 123456 Developer 1 Developer
developer2@gmail.com 123456 Developer 2 Developer
developer3@gmail.com 123456 Developer 3 Developer
developer4@gmail.com 123456 Developer 4 Developer
developer5@gmail.com 123456 Developer 5 Developer
developer6@gmail.com 123456 Developer 5 Developer
- Only Role with "Tech Lead" can select the Story if there is not any Active stories. (Optional) Login multiple accounts
- Click one of the 3 stories to set its status to Active using "Tech Lead" account
- All users should be redirected to point estimate page Then, submit all point estimate for all accounts
- After all accounts submitted their point estimate, all users will be redirected to the result page
- Change Login method to OAuthuse JWT token instead of email so backend can valid the user for every api call
- UI
- Add default choice for Point Estimate select tag
- Add :hover css in Story List
- Update error message in i18n format
- Need to update checkIfLogin in App.tsx
- Update WebSocket Structure
- Add Comment in Java Spring Boot
- Save the final point to MySQL (already created field)