Clojure library to read WoW characters from Blizzard's API.
Blizzard changed their API in 2020 yet again and I've not had the
time and motivation to fix this properly, so v1 is a partial rewrite
of version 0.5, which is still sitting in a branch named v0.5
Step 1: get a token (should be valid for 24h)
# either install `curl` + `sed` + `jq` and do this, or somehow put a token into a file
cp Makefile.example Makefile
vi Makefile
# edit the "xxx:yyy" part
make token
step 2: run
cp src/battlenet/config.clj.example src/battlenet/config.clj
vi src/battlenet/config.clj
make test
lein ring server-headless