Simple Ansible role showing concept of blue-green deployments on local microinfrastructure with Docker containers
- Flag to enable or disable blue-green deployments (default:True
- Should we check application health in containers before reloading nginx or not. (default:True
- URL path for health check. (default:/
- Start-up command for container.app_env
- Dictionary of ENV variables to be available in conainer. Used for set-up application in container. (default:{}
- Dictionary of custom host:ip mappings for /etc/hosts in container. Used for unified 3rd party services endpoints accross different envs. (default:{}
- Hostname used in nginx config as server_name. (default:localhost
- Number of containers to be run on single host. (default:2
- Log driver for docker containers. (default:none
- Dictionary with options for docker log driver. (default:{ tag: {{ app_name }} }
- Application name. Used for pulling containers from registry and container naming. (default:trainingwheels
- Port where nginx balancer is listening to. (default:80
- Enable ip-hash load-balancing algorithm for nginx. (default:False
- TCP port where app is listening to. Usually it's port in EXPOSE. (default:5000
- Whether stop inactive instances after successful deployment or not. (default:True
- Repository in docker registry to take image from.app_version
- Image version to install. (default:latest
- Array with volumes mounted in container. Used for storing peristent data. (default:[]
For more variables see defaults/main.yml
- docker-engine (not in meta)
- nginx (not in meta)
- Ansible get a list of all published ports in containers.
- Ansible prepare a nginx config with all published container's ports of all(!) app hosts.