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Use new feature flag types and make a generic end-point in stern.
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fisx committed Jun 5, 2020
1 parent 4e27281 commit dfff96d
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Showing 4 changed files with 44 additions and 220 deletions.
92 changes: 25 additions & 67 deletions tools/stern/src/Stern/API.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import qualified Stern.Swagger as Doc
import Stern.Types
import System.Logger.Class hiding ((.=), Error, name, trace)
import Util.Options
import qualified Wire.API.Team.Feature as Public
import qualified Wire.API.Team.SearchVisibility as Public
import qualified Wire.Swagger as Doc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,68 +327,32 @@ routes = do

-- feature flags

get "/teams/:tid/features/legalhold" (continue (liftM json . Intra.getLegalholdStatus)) $
get "/teams/:tid/features/:feature" (continue getTeamFeatureFlagH) $
capture "tid"
document "GET" "getLegalholdStatus" $ do
summary "Shows whether legalhold feature is enabled for team"
.&. capture "feature"
document "GET" "getTeamFeatureFlag" $ do
summary "Shows whether a feature flag is enabled or not for a given team."
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "tid" Doc.bytes' $
description "Team ID"
Doc.returns Doc.docSetLegalHoldStatus
Doc.response 200 "Legalhold status" Doc.end
Doc.returns Doc.bool'
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "feature" Public.typeTeamFeatureName $
description "Feature name"
Doc.returns Public.typeTeamFeatureStatus
Doc.response 200 "Team feature flag status" Doc.end

put "/teams/:tid/features/legalhold" (continue setLegalholdStatus) $
contentType "application" "json"
.&. capture "tid"
.&. jsonRequest @SetLegalHoldStatus
document "PUT" "setLegalholdStatus" $ do
summary "Disable / enable legalhold feature for team"
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "tid" Doc.bytes' $
description "Team ID"
Doc.body Doc.docSetLegalHoldStatus $
Doc.description "JSON body"
Doc.response 200 "Legalhold status" Doc.end

get "/teams/:tid/features/sso" (continue (liftM json . Intra.getSSOStatus)) $
put "/teams/:tid/features/:feature" (continue setTeamFeatureFlagH) $
capture "tid"
document "GET" "getSSOStatus" $ do
summary "Shows whether SSO feature is enabled for team"
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "tid" Doc.bytes' $
description "Team ID"
Doc.returns Doc.docSetSSOStatus
Doc.response 200 "SSO status" Doc.end

put "/teams/:tid/features/sso" (continue setSSOStatus) $
contentType "application" "json"
.&. capture "tid"
.&. jsonRequest @SetSSOStatus
document "PUT" "setSSOStatus" $ do
summary "Disable / enable SSO feature for team"
.&. capture "feature"
.&. contentType "application" "json"
.&. jsonRequest @Public.TeamFeatureStatus
document "PUT" "setTeamFeatureFlag" $ do
summary "Disable / enable feature flag for a given team"
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "tid" Doc.bytes' $
description "Team ID"
Doc.body Doc.docSetSSOStatus $
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "feature" Public.typeTeamFeatureName $
description "Feature name"
Doc.body Public.typeTeamFeatureStatus $
Doc.description "JSON body"
Doc.response 200 "SSO status" Doc.end

get "/teams/:tid/features/search-visibility" (continue (liftM json . Intra.getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable)) $
capture "tid"
document "GET" "getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable" $ do
summary "Shows whether TeamSearchVisibility feature is enabled for team"
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "tid" Doc.bytes' $
description "Team ID"
Doc.returns Doc.docSetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable
Doc.response 200 "TeamSearchVisibility status" Doc.end
put "/teams/:tid/features/search-visibility" (continue setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable) $
contentType "application" "json"
.&. capture "tid"
.&. jsonRequest @SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable
document "PUT" "setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable" $ do
summary "Disable / enable TeamSearchVisibility feature for team"
Doc.parameter Doc.Path "tid" Doc.bytes' $
description "Team ID"
Doc.body Doc.docSetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable $
Doc.description "JSON body"
Doc.response 200 "TeamSearchVisibility status" Doc.end
Doc.response 200 "Team feature flagLegalhold status" Doc.end

-- These endpoints should be part of team settings. Until then, we access them from here
-- for authorized personnel to enable/disable this on the team's behalf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -614,20 +579,13 @@ getTeamInfo = liftM json . Intra.getTeamInfo
getTeamAdminInfo :: TeamId -> Handler Response
getTeamAdminInfo = liftM (json . toAdminInfo) . Intra.getTeamInfo

setLegalholdStatus :: JSON ::: TeamId ::: JsonRequest SetLegalHoldStatus -> Handler Response
setLegalholdStatus (_ ::: tid ::: req) = do
status <- parseBody req !>> Error status400 "client-error"
liftM json $ Intra.setLegalholdStatus tid status

setSSOStatus :: JSON ::: TeamId ::: JsonRequest SetSSOStatus -> Handler Response
setSSOStatus (_ ::: tid ::: req) = do
status :: SetSSOStatus <- parseBody req !>> Error status400 "client-error"
liftM json $ Intra.setSSOStatus tid status
getTeamFeatureFlagH :: TeamId ::: Public.TeamFeatureName -> Handler Response
getTeamFeatureFlagH (tid ::: feature) =
json <$> Intra.getTeamFeatureFlag tid feature

setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable :: JSON ::: TeamId ::: JsonRequest SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable -> Handler Response
setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable (_ ::: tid ::: req) = do
status :: SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable <- parseBody req !>> Error status400 "client-error"
liftM json $ Intra.setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable tid status
setTeamFeatureFlagH :: TeamId ::: Public.TeamFeatureName ::: JSON ::: JsonRequest Public.TeamFeatureStatus -> Handler Response
setTeamFeatureFlagH (tid ::: feature ::: _ ::: req) =
empty <$ (Intra.setTeamFeatureFlag tid feature =<< (parseBody req !>> Error status400 "client-error"))

setSearchVisibility :: JSON ::: TeamId ::: JsonRequest Team.TeamSearchVisibility -> Handler Response
setSearchVisibility (_ ::: tid ::: req) = do
Expand Down
138 changes: 19 additions & 119 deletions tools/stern/src/Stern/Intra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,12 +40,8 @@ module Stern.Intra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +92,7 @@ import Stern.Types
import System.Logger.Class hiding ((.=), Error, name)
import qualified System.Logger.Class as Log
import UnliftIO.Exception hiding (Handler)
import Wire.API.Team.Feature (TeamFeatureName (..), TeamFeatureStatus (..))
import qualified Wire.API.Team.Feature as Public


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,125 +423,29 @@ setBlacklistStatus status emailOrPhone = do
statusToMethod False = DELETE
statusToMethod True = POST

getLegalholdStatus :: TeamId -> Handler SetLegalHoldStatus
getLegalholdStatus tid = do
info $ msg "Getting legalhold status"
getTeamFeatureFlag :: TeamId -> Public.TeamFeatureName -> Handler Public.TeamFeatureStatus
getTeamFeatureFlag tid feature = do
info $ msg "Getting team feature status"
gly <- view galley
(>>= fromResponseBody) . catchRpcErrors $
( method GET
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", toByteString' TeamFeatureLegalHold]
let req =
method GET
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", toByteString' feature]
. expect2xx
fromResponseBody :: Response (Maybe LByteString) -> Handler SetLegalHoldStatus
fromResponseBody resp = case responseJsonEither resp of
Right TeamFeatureDisabled -> pure SetLegalHoldDisabled
Right TeamFeatureEnabled -> pure SetLegalHoldEnabled
Left errmsg -> throwE (Error status502 "bad-upstream" ("bad response; error message: " <> pack errmsg))

setLegalholdStatus :: TeamId -> SetLegalHoldStatus -> Handler ()
setLegalholdStatus tid status = do
info $ msg "Setting legalhold status"
gly <- view galley
resp <-
catchRpcErrors $
( method PUT
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", "legalhold"]
. lbytes (encode $ toRequestBody status)
. contentJson
case statusCode resp of
204 -> pure ()
_ -> throwE $ responseJsonUnsafe resp
toRequestBody SetLegalHoldDisabled = TeamFeatureDisabled
toRequestBody SetLegalHoldEnabled = TeamFeatureEnabled

getSSOStatus :: TeamId -> Handler SetSSOStatus
getSSOStatus tid = do
info $ msg "Getting SSO status"
gly <- view galley
(>>= fromResponseBody) . catchRpcErrors $
( method GET
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", toByteString' TeamFeatureSSO]
. expect2xx
fromResponseBody :: Response (Maybe LByteString) -> Handler SetSSOStatus
fromResponseBody resp = case responseJsonEither resp of
Right TeamFeatureEnabled -> pure SetSSOEnabled
Right TeamFeatureDisabled -> pure SetSSODisabled
Left errmsg -> throwE (Error status502 "bad-upstream" ("bad response; error message: " <> pack errmsg))

setSSOStatus :: TeamId -> SetSSOStatus -> Handler ()
setSSOStatus tid status = do
info $ msg "Setting SSO status"
gly <- view galley
resp <-
catchRpcErrors $
( method PUT
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", "sso"]
. lbytes (encode $ toRequestBody status)
. contentJson
case statusCode resp of
204 -> pure ()
_ -> throwE $ responseJsonUnsafe resp
toRequestBody SetSSODisabled = TeamFeatureDisabled
toRequestBody SetSSOEnabled = TeamFeatureEnabled
responseJsonUnsafe <$> catchRpcErrors (rpc' "galley" gly req)

getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable :: TeamId -> Handler SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable
getTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable tid = do
info $ msg "Getting TeamSearchVisibility status"
setTeamFeatureFlag :: TeamId -> Public.TeamFeatureName -> Public.TeamFeatureStatus -> Handler ()
setTeamFeatureFlag tid feature status = do
info $ msg "Setting team feature status"
gly <- view galley
(>>= fromResponseBody) . catchRpcErrors $
( method GET
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", toByteString' TeamFeatureSearchVisibility]
. expect2xx
fromResponseBody :: Response (Maybe LByteString) -> Handler SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable
fromResponseBody resp = case responseJsonEither resp of
Right TeamFeatureEnabled -> pure SetTeamSearchVisibilityEnabled
Right TeamFeatureDisabled -> pure SetTeamSearchVisibilityDisabled
Left errmsg -> throwE (Error status502 "bad-upstream" ("bad response; error message: " <> pack errmsg))

setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable :: TeamId -> SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable -> Handler ()
setTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable tid status = do
info $ msg "Setting TeamSearchVisibility status"
gly <- view galley
resp <-
catchRpcErrors $
( method PUT
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", "search-visibility"]
. lbytes (encode $ toRequestBody status)
. contentJson
let req =
method PUT
. paths ["/i/teams", toByteString' tid, "features", toByteString' feature]
. Bilge.json status
. contentJson
resp <- catchRpcErrors $ rpc' "galley" gly req
case statusCode resp of
204 -> pure ()
_ -> throwE $ responseJsonUnsafe resp
toRequestBody SetTeamSearchVisibilityDisabled = TeamFeatureDisabled
toRequestBody SetTeamSearchVisibilityEnabled = TeamFeatureEnabled

getSearchVisibility :: TeamId -> Handler TeamSearchVisibilityView
getSearchVisibility tid = do
Expand Down
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions tools/stern/src/Stern/Swagger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module Stern.Swagger where

import Data.Swagger.Build.Api
import Imports
import Stern.Types

sternModels :: [Model]
sternModels =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,18 +89,3 @@ teamBillingInfoUpdate = defineModel "teamBillingInfoUpdate" $ do
property "state" string' $ do
description "State of the company address (1 - 256 characters)"

docSetSSOStatus :: DataType
docSetSSOStatus = docBoundedEnum @SetSSOStatus

docSetLegalHoldStatus :: DataType
docSetLegalHoldStatus = docBoundedEnum @SetLegalHoldStatus

docSetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable :: DataType
docSetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable = docBoundedEnum @SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable

-- (the double-call to show is to add extra double-quotes to the string. this is important
-- because the json instances also render this into a json string, and json string are wrapped
-- in double-quotes.)
docBoundedEnum :: forall a. (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a) => DataType
docBoundedEnum = string . enum $ show . show <$> [(minBound :: a) ..]
18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions tools/stern/src/Stern/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,21 +150,3 @@ data TeamBillingInfoUpdate = TeamBillingInfoUpdate
deriving (Eq, Show)

deriveJSON toJSONFieldName ''TeamBillingInfoUpdate

data SetLegalHoldStatus = SetLegalHoldDisabled | SetLegalHoldEnabled
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

deriveJSON toJSONFieldName ''SetLegalHoldStatus

data SetSSOStatus = SetSSODisabled | SetSSOEnabled
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

deriveJSON toJSONFieldName ''SetSSOStatus

-- | FUTUREWORK: we should probably use
-- 'Galley.Types.Teams.SearchVisibility.TeamSearchVisibilityEnabled'. (same for
-- 'SetSSOStatus', 'SetLegalHoldStatus'.
data SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable = SetTeamSearchVisibilityDisabled | SetTeamSearchVisibilityEnabled
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

deriveJSON toJSONFieldName ''SetTeamSearchVisibilityAvailable

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