This app was created during our time as students at Code Chrysalis
restfinder is a fullstack group project application, using the Google Maps Platform. This project was an opportunity for us to gain experience working in a real Agile workflow on a realistic CD pipeline while creating a full stack application from scratch, based on employer expectations and user stories. You can find the live version in production at:
- Vuex for the UI
- Knex Query Builder
- ApolloServer Serves queries
- Graphql API Queries
- Postgres Database
- Configuration files are in the
folder. - Initial seeding data (in a JSON file) is located in the
folder. - In the
folder are located all the migrations for the PostgreSQL database - In the
folder are located all the files necessary to the back-end node server, and the corresponding test file. - In the
file are located all the source files related with theclient
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Everything you need is in the package.json, so just a basic install from your package manager of choice will suffice:
npm install
Next, create a .env file in the root directory and populate it with the following:
DB_NAME= // your database name
DB_PW=// your postgres password
DB_NAME= // your database name
DB_USER=// your postgres username
DB_PW=// your postgres password
Head over to your postgres terminal and create a local database with whatever name you entered for DB_NAME in your .env file, and then run
npm run migrate
npm run seed
You can then start the two dev servers (in separate terminals):
npm run hack:client
npm run hack:server
And then open your localhost8080 to see the site in action!
Note: the servers will automatically run a migration and seed.
Query tests are set up using chai and mocha, and can be run with
npm run test
The tests are checking whether the GraphQL API returns the proper values for each GraphQL resolver.
We deployed with Heroku. Should you want to deploy the app on Heroku servers, we recommend to install the Heroku CLI. Please refer to the official Heroku help for further details:
npm install heroku
Additionally, Heroku Postgres is a prerequisite for hosting over there.
Should you want to contribute:
- please fork and clone the repo on your machine
- Create an "issue" to describe what you want to work on
- Submit a pull request.
Many thanks!
- Alligator logo found on