Efficient way to stream blocks and account history from steem blockchain
$ npm i --save steem-efficient-stream
It already includes typescript types. There is no need to install them separately.
Key features of steem-efficient-stream:
- Iterate over single transactions. The library fetches next batch when it is needed.
- Join operations that belongs to the same transaction
- Maintains correct order of operations in transaction
- Joins operations of single transaction that are split across two batches: uses overlapping buffer to join them. The option
specifies the max number of operations of single transaction that are spread on the edge of batches. - Unified format for transactions. Transactions streamed from block cache or from account_history are unified into single UnifiedSteemTransaction format.
There are two ways to fetch account history: via AsyncIterator or via ChainableSupplier
/* tslint:disable:no-console */
import { AccountHistorySupplierFactory, SteemAdapterFactory } from "steem-efficient-stream";
const steemAdapter = SteemAdapterFactory.withOptions({
url: "https://anyx.io/",
const account = "wise-team";
const iterator = new AccountHistorySupplierFactory(steemAdapter, account).withOptions({ batchSize: 5000, batchOverlap: 10 }).buildIterator();
(async () => {
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await iterator.next();
const transaction = value;
if (done) break;
/* tslint:disable:no-console */
import { AccountHistorySupplierFactory, SimpleTaker, SteemAdapterFactory } from "steem-efficient-stream";
const steemAdapter = SteemAdapterFactory.withOptions({
url: "https://anyx.io/",
const account = "wise-team";
const chainableSupplier = new AccountHistorySupplierFactory(steemAdapter, account).withOptions({ batchSize: 5000, batchOverlap: 10 }).buildChainableSupplier();
new SimpleTaker(transaction => {
const returnNext = true;
return returnNext;
.catch(error => {
const continueTaking = false;
return continueTaking;
(async () => {
await chainableSupplier.start();
(!) Streaming blocks is not moved from steem-wise-sql and steem-wise-core, but will be moved, merged and tested soon.